Pace dream meaning

You may desire relief and change of pace; from sorrow to joy, stress to joy. The zombie, especially in a reoccurring theme is how you might feel emotionally as a result of the complex set of circumstances. (read all at source)

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The pace of an activity or process, or a desire to change it (slow down or speed up)
A mood, such as a sense of urgency, rushing, or calmness, depending on the speed in the dream
Power or energy, where slowness would represent less and speed would represent more... (read all at source)

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noncommissioned officer, nonpareil, noodle, nose, nous, nudge, nut, obverse, officer, offscum, one, order, organ of thought, origin, original, originate, origination, outhouse, outline, outrank, outstrip, outtop, overarch, overline, overman, overmost, oversee, overseer, overtop, overview, pace, page,... (read all at source)

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Maybe the dream suggests that you are trying to slow down the pace of their lives. And it is quite possible you are experiencing shortage of funds with which intend to secure a sustainable progressive development. (read all at source)

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She enjoyed the pace of work - it was hard work trying to keep up the pace (just like a bike).
Example dream : A bike symbolised the dreamers state - he was often on his own (a bike is made for one) and was missing a club which had now closed down. (read all at source)

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In a sense, you are slowing down your pace to connect more with experience and get in touch with who you are. Go-carts offer a similar message although they also reveal a sense of competition. (read all at source)

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Much, like the deer, butterfly Celtic animal symbols beckon us to take life at the pace most suitable for our growth. (read all at source)

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This dream is all about control -- it suggests that others are setting the pace of your life and controlling you in some way. The feeling of being imprisoned is directly associated with the experience of feeling unloved. (read all at source)

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Is it swimming contentedly downstream, indicating that you feel that your life is travelling along at a steady pace? Or, if the fish is out of the water, is it an indication that you feel like a fish out of water? What in your life don’t you feel comfortable about? (read all at source)

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To come under the influence of absinthe in dreams, denotes that you will lead a merry and foolish pace with innocent companions, and waste your inheritance in prodigal lavishness on the siren, selfish fancy. (read all at source)

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You will advance toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. Books also symbolize knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. Consider the type of book. It may represent a significant calling into a specific field of work. (read all at source)

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If you dream that you are aging at a very rapid pace, you could be worried that life is passing you by. Dreaming that you are aging can be a message that you need to appreciate life as it happens. Think about what is important to you and prioritize accordingly. (read all at source)

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Jogging-symbolic of a relaxing pace in life
Joy-symbolic of God’s favor and the fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22
Judge-this is a reference to God or Christ, Ps. 51:4. A judge can also symbolize trouble with earthly authorities... (read all at source)

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Parking Lot- Stuck in your daily routine; slow down your pace, park yourself.
Parrot- Are you merely picking up other people's values uncritically, unreflectingly? Are you only the semblance of a person, a facade?
Party- Celebration; reaching a new plateau, a reason to celebrate. (read all at source)

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jog life is going along at a nice even pace; in for the long haul; commitment and steadiness; self- sufficiency and goal orientation are indicated; remembering something. What do you think about when you are jogging? (read all at source)

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You may be trying to slow down your pace or lack the means to make speedy progress. Walking is a dichotomous symbol in that it can be both frustrating and relaxing to walk. (read all at source)

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Walk Walking Walking usually depicts personal effort, making your own way at your own pace. The conditions or surroundings where you are walking suggest what you feel about that, and the situation of your personal life. The […] More... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are repairing a transmission, suggests that you need to pace yourself and learn to adjust to your surroundings and situations. Perhaps you are going to fast or moving to slowly.
Transplant... (read all at source)

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The need for a change of perspective or a change of pace in your life
Also, consider the context and your feelings:... (read all at source)

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A dream that you file something down can be a message that you can achieve a goal by working at a slow and steady pace.
Watching someone file something down in a dream can mean that a situation in real life is wearing you down. (read all at source)

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Pyramid. You can expect a pleasant change of pace (possibly foreign travel) if you dreamed of a pyramid, unless it was lying on it's side, inverted, or damaged, in which case it suggests approaching family or financial worries. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are jogging, suggests that you are proceeding through life in a steady pace. You are not really taking any action toward changes.
Joke... (read all at source)

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When one becomes acutely aware of the quiet in a dream the unconscious is making a huge statement in respect of a need to be still for a time. It is implying that the pace one is keeping cannot be sustained and as a result the individual is missing out on enjoying existence and understanding... (read all at source)

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Scientists say that dreaming of the dead indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one. (read all at source)

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You may be stressing about being overwhelmed with things or you could be focused too much on a deadline coming up, or some other thing that could be time sensitive. You need to pick up the pace in life. Clocks also indicate death, especially if the clock has ceased turning. (read all at source)

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Positive: Dreaming of a train could represent a constant work in the church or one's personal ministry. This could also signify being spiritually or naturally connected. It could also denote progressing in a rapid pace in one's ministry. (Acts 2:42)... (read all at source)

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The dreamer had been thinking about the future the night before. He had some choices to make at school. At first he was in a hurry to make a decision but then he realised there was no hurry and it was best to work through the decision at a leisurely pace. (read all at source)

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I interpreted a dream once where the gentleman dreamed of a young calf coming from the stall and overtaking the fully-grown calf. The interpretation was that this person had gone ahead of themselves in their immaturity and instead of going at a steady pace to maturity had run ahead of what the Lord... (read all at source)

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A pilot symbolizes someone soaring high in the sky. He's in control in spite of the fast pace. A dream of a pilot may mean you're in the pilot's seat concerning some issue in your life. Because air symbolizes the mind, the issue may involve intellectual pursuits or communication.
plane... (read all at source)

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Sometimes the color can also be a turning point in life that turns most unfavorable.
- Brown eyes should be understood as a warning against false friends.
- Anyone who invests brown clothes that would change his life yet dashing any change to a slightly slower pace. (read all at source)

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