Insolvent dreams by DreamMean
If you dream that you are insolvent, you will not have to resort to this means to square yourself with the world, as your energy and pride will enable you to transact business in a fair way. But other worries may sorely afflict you.
To dream that others are insolvent, you will meet with honest men in your dealings, but by their frankness they may harm you. For a young woman, it means her sweetheart will be honest and thrifty, but vexatious discords may arise in her affairs.
Insolvent :
This is a dream of contradiction. Insolvent people in a dream are in real life honest and just. (read all at source)
announce, apostasy, appear, apprentice, arrearage, arroyo, back and fill, bankrupt, bark, be at cross-purposes, be changed, be converted into, be poised, be renewed, be ruined, bear away, bear market, bear off, bear to starboard, bearish market, beat, beat about, beat down, become insolvent,... (read all at source)
If a man fills a bottomless pit, it just can not fill it, and it represents his fear of being sexually insolvent. If a woman sees such a dream, it is a sexually insatiable and unsatisfied women who dream about having sex with several men at once.
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See also related symbols: Trade, Steps, Amethyst, Volcano, Butterfly, Polar Bear, Carriage, Marmot, Pail, Chimes, Quaker, Lovely, Squinting, Insolvent, Forehead, Harem, Auction, Paradise, Saw, Panther, Cards, Satan, Spider
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