Hymn dream meaning

hymn singing songs of praise. Which 'him' are you concerned with?
Hypnos in Greek myth, the god of sleep and a son of the night. What messenger has come to you in your sleep? (read all at source)

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Example dream : A hymn with the words "Nearer my God to thee" (from the film Titanic) was relevant to the dreamer at the time of the dream. The next day he was facing a major challenge. The dreamer was surprised that he was not freaking out so close to the event. (read all at source)

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The presence continued to become more oppressive and I thought I had woken up, but I couldn't move I tried to move my tongue to shout out to God to save me from the evil, I then sang a hymn (or I thought I was singing a hymn) then I commanded the devil to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ. (read all at source)

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