Hog dream meaning

Home - Dream - Pig or Hog
An unhealthy pig symbolises underhanded deeds, callousness and lack of skill to control things in life. The dream suggests that you have let things in life control you, such as eating too much, being selfish and stupid. Sorry that this sounds rather harsh!... (read all at source)

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ham eating high on the hog; communication over the air waves. Who is always 'hamming it up'?
hammer time to repair something; going at it with 'hammer and tongs'; beating something into shape. What are you hammering away at and getting little or no results? (read all at source)

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To see a hog in your dream, may be a pun on "hogging" everything instead of sharing.
*Please Also See Pig. (read all at source)

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(Hog-like wolf) A hyena in a dream represents a fierce, an unjust and a perfidious enemy whose actions stem from the directives of an evil and an ugly old witch. (read all at source)

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See Hog.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project
Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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See Hog.
To dream of seeing pigeons and hearing them cooing above their cotes, denotes domestic peace and pleasure-giving children. For a young woman, this dream indicates an early and comfortable union. (read all at source)

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A fat hog in a dream may suggest abundance, whereas a lean, hungry hog may foretell of a troubling situation. If the hogs are wallowing in mud, the indication might be that you've lowered your standards regarding a matter, or that you are groveling. (read all at source)

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"hog" the whole show Cayce (294-50). Platform shaky and unstable - the condition of one's physical body is weakened or imbalanced Cayce (136-22). Pocket something kept for self rather than distributed Cayce (137-99). (read all at source)

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water gap, water gas, Water gate, Water gauge, Water gavel, Water germander, Water gilding, water gillyflower, water glass, Water god, Water grass, Water gruel, water gum, water gun, water hammer, Water hare, water hazard, water heater, water hemlock, Water hemp, Water hen, water hickory, Water hog,... (read all at source)

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Recurring Dreams
Is it like Ground Hog's Day for you, dreaming the same dream over and over again?
Interpret My Dreams
Aid to analysing and interpreting the meaning of dreams. Provides both automatic interpretation and personal analysis. (read all at source)

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If they are wallowing in mire, you will have hurtful associates, and your engagements will be subject to reproach. This dream will bring to a young woman a jealous and greedy companion though the chances are that he will be wealthy.
* See Hog. (read all at source)

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If selfishness survives, the hog principle is aroused from its latent cells in the microcosm and he is dominated by material appetites. In a similar way he may perceive the spiritual in himself. (read all at source)

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I managed to take two of the old bottles of perfume from the bible before he made it back with the other Jews. I was awakened before I could finish the dream. But my mother was in the dream as well, she was either cooking something over an open fire, or she and others were cleaning a hog. (read all at source)

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Hitting-to hit another person in a dream is symbolic of an�ger directed towards others. If you hit yourself in a dream it is symbolic of regret, Jer. 31:19
Hog-symbolic of worldly people or sinful living, Matt 7:6... (read all at source)

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