Walking Stick dream meaning

Seeing a walking stick in your dream indicates that you are jumping commitments too quickly and will suffer as a result. Seeing yourself using a walking stick in your dream means your dependence on others for advice. (read all at source)

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To see a walking stick in a dream, foretells you will enter into contracts without proper deliberation, and will consequently suffer reverses. If you use one in walking, you will be dependent upon the advice of others. To admire handsome ones, you will entrust your interest to others, but they will be faithful. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Man, Storage Battery, Nephew, Birth, Walking Stick, Overcoat, Grindstone, Poplars, Childbed, Son, Turnips, Stairs, Eve, Kettle, Lace, Cork, Fish, Fire
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Handsome symbol. (read all at source)

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Walking stick-symbolic of power or old age, Zech. 8:4
Wall-to dream of a wall suggests a barrier to your movement in life. To hide behind a wall in a dream symbolizes finding protection. A leaning wall is symbolic of a person under pres�sure, Ps. 62:3. (read all at source)

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Walking Stick
To see a walking stick in your dream, indicates that you are jumping commitments too quickly and will suffer as a result. To see yourself using a walking stick in your dream, signifies your dependence on others for advice. (read all at source)

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Walking stick, crutch to see - a warning from an accident.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)

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walking sticks, wands, daggers, and swords, have all been used
for channeling magic energy.
stone: Representing rigidity, emotional coldness; essence;... (read all at source)

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Before she passed she had to wear special footware and use a walking stick, both of which she had in the dream, but did not appear to need them. She was looking at a bunch of sticks in a store and, laughing, decided she would change her stick for one that had a vacuum attachment on the end!... (read all at source)

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