Twin dream meaning

twin baby boys dream interpretations
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I had a dream that I was in my old home that I grew up in and my father and mother and my twin brother was there. My father is now deceased and I was holding my two year old in my arms. The lion was trying to pull him by his foot and my son was crying with fear. (read all at source)

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twin symbolizing a part of you that is opposite to the way you normally see yourself; a part of yourself that you haven't acknowledged before; the blending of opposites; ideas and decisions; everything comes in twos; in Astrology, the symbol for Gemini; joining up with someone; seeing double. (read all at source)

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Mirror image. Duality. Problems with identity. Privacy statement. Contact us if you found any problems/errors. (read all at source)

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In many cultures around the world, the understanding of the Muslim faith changed after the attack on the twin towers. The traditional meaning of Muslim dreams has changed globally because of this. (read all at source)

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I had a dream i had twin girl babies and I had forgot i had left them in the bath tub of running water and when I came back to get them they were immersed underwater i then rushed to get them out and they were lifeless i then woke up and was very scared and when i finally went back to sleep i was... (read all at source)

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Pisces: Is represented by two or twin fish and is said to govern the feet and toes. Its colors are sea-green and mauve and its gemstones are coral and chrysolite. (read all at source)

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You may have a sense of feeling responsible for this unknown child as a representation of the need to care for and nurture this new aspect of you. Dreaming of twin babies can symbolize the emergence of balance, or the fulfillment that comes after a difficult decision is made. (read all at source)

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Thus, monkeys as symbols appear to have a double or twin meaning. Whether positive or negative, the monkey is revealing something to you about what is going on in your inner world. People usually think that monkeys are far less evolved and the expression "stop monkeying around" is understood by all. (read all at source)

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In this case the dreamer had been visiting her in-law's family and felt quite annoyed at the behaviour of her sister in law who had been proudly showing off her two little twin boys whilst subtly ignoring the dreamer's two beautiful little girls. (read all at source)

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mount, mounting, multi-jet, night, pitch, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pulse-jet, ramjet, raven, rise, rising, rocketing up, sable, saltation, shooting up, single-jet, sloe, smoke, soaring, soot, spout, spring, sprit, spritz, spurt, surge, tailless jet, takeoff, taking off, tar, turbojet, twin-jet,... (read all at source)

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proceed from the rational, objective mind of the rank materialist, who would close all doors to that inner life and consciousness where all true religion finds its birthmark, its hope, its promises and its faith; which, rightly understood, will leave to the horrors of the Roman crucifixion the twin... (read all at source)

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symbol for twin
Some Symbolic Sugestions for Twins
"It's the most breathtakingly ironic things about living: the fact that we are all-identical twins included-alone. Singular. And yet what we seek-what saves us-is our connection to others."
---Wally Lamb... (read all at source)

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Twin There are several possibilities when you dream of a twin or twins. The first one is that it is part of you that has got split off from your main development. So they can be one of the […] More... (read all at source)

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identical twin: A reflection of yourself.
immobile: Terrorized. What is preventing your growth?
illness: Work on your well-being. Are you holding in some anger or resentment? Are you using sickness to gain attention? What old wounds need healing? (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/twin dream
hi there,
I've been having a dream a lot about falling pregnant and when the babies are born as twins one is black the other white...
id not think anything of it but keeps reoccurring... (read all at source)

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