Trout dream meaning

Trout dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing trout, is significant of growing prosperity.

To eat some, denotes that you will be happily conditioned.

To catch one with a hook, foretells assured pleasure and competence.

If it falls back into the water, you will have a short season of happiness.

To catch them with a seine, is a sign of unparalleled prosperity.

To see them in muddy water shows that your success in love will bring you to grief and disappointments.

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Dream Dictionary
To dream of seeing trout, is significant of growing prosperity. To eat some, denotes that you will be happily conditioned. To catch one with a hook, foretells assured pleasure and competence. If it falls back into the water, you will have a short season of happiness. (read all at source)

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Seeing a trout in your dream, symbolizes increasing prosperity. Dreaming that you are Seeing or eating trout means your cheerful attitude towards life. Dreaming that you catch a trout means pleasure. If it falls back into the water, then your happiness will be short-lived. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of seeing trout, is significant of growing prosperity. To eat some, denotes that you will be happily conditioned. To catch one with a hook, foretells assured pleasure and competence. (read all at source)

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Trout: To dream of seeing trout, is significant of growing prosperity.
To eat some, denotes that you will be happily conditioned.
To catch one with a hook, foretells assured pleasure and competence.
If it falls back into the water, you will have a short season of happiness. (read all at source)

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carol troutman says:
I'm a Christian and have prophetic
Dreams. In my dream it was white background. To my right I saw my grown son running to word me and then was out of the picture. In the I saw a snake with four colors. The to the middle of the snake was red. (read all at source)

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To see a trout in your dream, symbolizes increasing prosperity.
To dream that you are eating trout, signifies your cheerful attitude towards life. (read all at source)

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To dream of seeing trout, is significant of growing prosperity. To eat some, denotes that you will be happily conditioned. To catch one... Continue dream interpretation - Trout"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Trowel... (read all at source)

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