Teeth falling out dream meaning

What does it mean for teeth to fall out in a dream? I dreamed that my teeth were falling out. In real life, my teeth are perfectly all right even though I'm 39 years old. Why should I have this dream?
Katie P- New Orleans
TEETH FALLING OUT DREAM... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/Teeth falling out!
This is my dream i just had recently, i'd like to know the meaning if you could
help me i would really appreciate it!. (read all at source)

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Teeth Falling Out Lots of people dream about their teeth falling out. The dream might start with putting a finger to your teeth and finding one loose. Then tooth after two falls out. Or you might looking a […] More... (read all at source)

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Teeth falling out or coming out easily indicate that you are going through some form of transition in your life. This means that sexual maturity is likely to happen in the future. If teeth are dropping out, this shows you have a fear of ageing or are scared about moving on in your life. (read all at source)

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Example dream : Blood gushing and teeth falling out in a dream linked to the dreamer being forced out by her parents. The blood symbolised the traumatic nature of this conflict. (read all at source)

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TEETH : My most popular requests for dream interpretation are by far, dreams about teeth falling out. Apparently this is quite disturbing to people who have this dream...they simply MUST know what it means!... (read all at source)

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It’s extremely common to dream of teeth falling out. First, make a dental appointment. If your dentist gives the all clear, then it’s time to explore other possible dream meanings.Perhaps you feel like your losing face. (read all at source)

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Teeth falling out can also be a message about credibility, or saying something that does not express the truth of what you feel. Fingernails and hair grow and need to be trimmed, suggesting both wisdom and how it must be pruned at times, to promote healthy growth. (read all at source)

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Is it possible that the feeling you get from the teeth falling out might be causing you to feel like you are dying ? Maybe this is about feeling like you are dying emotionally? Have you been dealing with depression? If not, you should think about what these dreams are trying to tell you. (read all at source)

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If you're dreaming about your teeth falling out, what could this mean?
All children lose their teeth as they grow up, it is one of the first thing a youngster looks forward to as a sign he or she is "getting older". (read all at source)

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Teeth Dreams: An incredibly common dream, dreams of your teeth falling out or breaking can be shocking. The typical dream scenarios include having your teeth crumble in your hands, fall out one by one with just a light tap, grow crooked or rot. (read all at source)

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Your teeth falling out may symbolize a fast lifestyle, decay, or fear of getting older. Sharp or razor teeth can symbolize that you use your words as weapons, Ps. 57:4. Clean teeth may symbolize not having any food or a spiritual drought, Amos 4:6. (read all at source)

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Losing your milk teeth is a sign of growing up, so teeth falling out in a dream often symbolizes the movement to a new stage in life, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom that has accompanied this change. (read all at source)

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Someone having problems with teeth, such as teeth falling out or having cavities, can represent feeling, fearing, or imagining that all is not well with that person, or perhaps that the person is not expressing themselves as well as you think they should. (read all at source)

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Trying to get a free dream analysis? What's does pregnancy mean in a dream? What does teeth falling out in a dream mean? (read all at source)

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Teeth - to dream of teeth falling out indicates that one is having difficulty making oneself heard, in the figurative sense. Be patient, and speak only when you have something of significance to say; your words will gain weight.
Telephone - bad news awaits. (read all at source)

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Dreams of Teeth Falling OutIf you have a dream that your teeth are falling out, do not take it literally. You do not need to speed dial your dentist. When you dream your teeth are falling out, it can mean that you have been talking too much lately. (read all at source)

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