Small dream meaning

In general:
Smallpox are promised to the old dream books early prosperity, which arrives sometimes in fact, often behind it but only the desire for more money and success. One must distinguish this symbol carefully against acne. (read all at source)

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Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
In a dream, smallpox represents debts, or being pursued by debt collectors. It also can be interpreted as increase in one's earnings. If one sees his son struck by smallpox in a dream, it denotes blessings for the son.. (read all at source)

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Something that is small (especially smaller than you would expect) in a dream can represent:... (read all at source)

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getting smaller dream symbol
getting smaller
Something or someone is getting smaller or shrinking can represent:... (read all at source)

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To see people with smallpox in your dream, could denote unexpected and shocking sickness, and probably contagion. You will meet failure in accomplishing your designs.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/dreams when I was small
When I was about 8 or 9 I had a dream that reacurred everynight for 3 weeks. It became so bad that I would become terrified at bedtime and would try to keep myself awake by force.
I lived in an apartment at the time. (read all at source)

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Small Dream Book
If you dream you see a UFO in the sky, in real life, you expect some pleasant event. Seeing a UFO is lowered to the ground, especially near to you, means that you will not be difficult to overcome all the difficulties. (read all at source)

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A small boat can indicate you as a child but it can also indicate that you feel on your own when navigating through life.
A speed boat, being a source of great power, indicates you have the gift of hands on healing. Literally you have a source of great power at your disposal. (read all at source)

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3. SMALL OBJECTS. Then proceed to find small objects, such as books on a table, sofa-cushions, ornaments, paper-knives, etc. Gradually work down to very small objects, such as scarf-pins, articles of jewelry, pocket-knives, etc. (read all at source)

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Uterus; Small room or box at end of hallway: uterus
See also: Magnifying-glass , Quaker , Upstairs , Danger , Packet
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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Small chickens symbolize good experiences. Many chickens can mean worries towards something you do not need to worry about. If the chickens were asleep your enemies are planning something. To eat chicken means that you are too selfish. (read all at source)

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Small and newly built houses, denote happy homes and profitable undertakings; but, if old and filthy buildings, ill health and decay of love and business will follow. (read all at source)

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Small business loss.
Misfortune within the family. Will receive a legacy. (read all at source)

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Small profits are predicted in a dream featuring rummage.... Continue dream interpretation - Rummage"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Run... (read all at source)

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Small hands in a dream, whether yours or somebody else's, suggest that you are feeling insecure, or under attack.
To dream that your hands are hairy or rough, implies your lack of gentleness in dealing with others.
To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are feeling guilty. (read all at source)

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Small stones or pebbles, implies that little worries and vexations will irritate you.
If you throw a stone, you will have cause to admonish a person. (read all at source)

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small house or birthplace house - dreamer seeks security
small house that is constrictive - dreamer feels trapped
work on house - something in the dreamer's life is in need of repair... (read all at source)

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A small, unnatural waist, foretells displeasing success
and recriminating disputes.
For a young woman to dream of a nice, ready-made shirt-waist, denotes
that she will win admiration through her ingenuity and pleasing manners. (read all at source)

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A small cheerful fire in a fireplace indicates contentment.
A dream of setting fire to a house, building, or anything of value is telling you to control your temper or be prepared for serious consequences.
A roaring big fire (contained in a grate) signifies new hope after a time of discouragement. (read all at source)

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bag: Small burdens, things that we carry around with us in a psychological way. As a handbag, it might mean something to do with your identity, just as with a wallet.
band: Might mean teamwork or camaraderie.
bandage: Protection; hurt feelings in need of healing. Covering up an emotional wound. (read all at source)

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To see small hands, means that you are feeling insecure and frightened in your walking life.
To dream that your hands are injured, signifies unhappiness and poor-poverty in the home.
To dream that your hands are giant, foretells that you will successfully achieve your goals and desires. (read all at source)

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kit small and vulnerable; get the right equipment. What pieces can you put together to make one neat package? (read all at source)

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They are small things that might still 'bug' you. Small irritations or things that might scar you. But some dreams are about how beautiful the bug is or how useful. Also, what are the bugs doing and what do you feel about that? (read all at source)

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To see a small petite waist, signifies success in business and educational pursuits.
To dream of an unhealthy, emaciated waist, signifies failure in business and educational pursuits.
Waiter/Waitress... (read all at source)

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Further, small pebble-sized frog amulets are carried in their wallets so money will not be lost. You can meet my friend Albert via his studio here (Studio Sussler)... (read all at source)

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To see a small ape cling to a tree, warns the dreamer to beware; a false person is close to you and will cause unpleasantness in your circle. Deceit goes with this dream.
Apparel... (read all at source)

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Over on a small hill, but in the yard, was this unknown building. Derek wanted to go there, and insisted that we take a look. We were on our way to a show of some sort, so I told him to wait for later. (read all at source)

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Pond-a small area or place in life where people come together (church, work, or social club)
Pool-symbolic of a place where people gather in life. If the water is dirty it symbolizes wickedness
Pool-hall-symbolic of people trying to scam or deceive you... (read all at source)

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Having very small genitals in a dream can be a sign of sexual insecurity. Having large genitals can also be a sign of sexual insecurity (a form of wish fulfillment). (read all at source)

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To dream of small buildings spells bad luck says superstition but if the building is big you will experience positive changes soon.
Some other interpretations for buildings in dreams:... (read all at source)

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Large and Small
When something appears in its unnatural size, it suggests how whatever the symbol represents is growing out of proportion or is moving toward being deficient. Life can teach you about maintaining balance and these type of dreams will reveal imbalances.
Late... (read all at source)

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To sail on a small vessel, denotes that your desires will not excel your power of possessing them.
Also See Ocean and Sea.
Sailor... (read all at source)

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These include small rooms with a sacred or significant object of our past in them, small bedrooms or studies, basement workshops, or other places of solitude and silence. There is also something in such a space that confronts you-not necessarily in an endangering way, but an existential one. (read all at source)

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Sparrow - small value but precious; watched by the Lord
Tiger - danger; powerful minister (both good & evil), soul power, demonic spirit
Tortoise - slow moving; slow change; steady; old; old way of doing something; wise... (read all at source)

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An aisle is a small row between two sets of seats, so a dream that you are walking down an aisle can mean that you are trying to appease two groups of people, or two individuals, who have conflicting opinions about a subject. (read all at source)

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I dreamed of a small speckled blue and grey/white snake that was darting around my bedroom floor. I tried to catch it because my cat was trying to hunt it and I didn't want him to get bitten. I started to panic as the snake was hissing in attack mode and tried to grab it. (read all at source)

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To dream of many small tacks show many small worries and aggravations from others. Driving a tack shows you will overcome adversaries. To mash your finger while driving a tack shows you will be hurt in the process of getting the better of your enemy.
Tadpoles... (read all at source)

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1. Dreaming of a small and cramped apartment implies times ahead where you will have to work hard and persevere in order to have the lifestyle you want.
2. A large apartment, on the other hand, indicates prosperity and luxury ahead.
Artist... (read all at source)

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Lakes and Ponds
A small lake or pond can be peaceful, soothing and restive. It can provide comfort and serenity. This could be a sign that you are happy with how things are going. (read all at source)

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that which appears to be small or of little account but may be of the greatest value Cayce (294-159, A-5). 4. the spiritual truth Cayce (294-159, A-6). 5. that which requires teaching, guidance, and direction Cayce (900-98, A-2). 6. (read all at source)

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Luggage - an unanticipated move to a new, but smaller, home.
Mirror - betrayal.
Monkey - someone near is not to be trusted.
Mushrooms - long life, protection.
Mustard - problems anew.
Owl - don't start anything new on next day.
Palace - sorrow caused by pride. (read all at source)

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To dream of small dogs, indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order. To dream of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business. Lean, filthy dogs, indicate failure in business, also sickness among children. (read all at source)

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lit a ' save' one I left it lit to go shower I think and go to one of the main cabins then a small fire breaks out in the kitchen then I go to check my cabin discover that alot of the cabins are on fire it doesnt make sense cause the kitchen is far away from the cabins there's no trail but it's... (read all at source)

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Example dream : A small glass of wine in a dream linked to the dreamer knowing his employers had a slightly relaxed attitude but knowing that they had a strict schedule and needed to be informed if he was ill and or how long. (read all at source)

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Money: To dream of finding money, denotes small worries, but much happiness.
Changes will follow.
To pay out money, denotes misfortune.
To receive gold, great prosperity and unalloyed pleasures.
To lose money, you will experience unhappy hours in the homeand affairs will appear gloomy. (read all at source)

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It’s said that good things come in small packages. If you see a small package in your dream, it may be a reminder that even the small things in life can have a great effect on others.What kind of package do you see in your dream? Is it a surprise package, indicating surprises are on their way? (read all at source)

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just a small guide to help you get started. I prefer to interpret symbols within the context of the dream they appear in, rather than piece by piece which would leave too much room for error. (read all at source)

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Some people have reoccurring dreams about a small child, while others, from time to time, dream about unfamiliar children. The child in your dream could represent your inner self, or the child within. (read all at source)

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These small details in your life need more attention given to them because when we dream we can track these symbols to lucid dreams. (read all at source)

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Sickness will be no small factor against your success. To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity, and are trying to conceal it, denotes that you have sought illicit pleasure contrary to your noblest instincts and are desirous of abandoning those desires. (read all at source)

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To see a burning candle in your dream, signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. (read all at source)

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From there, I went to the top of some rocks that were higher on the Island and I looked down towards the west and saw two small boats. They were saying, the one to the other, "what would happen when the waves from the sea and rocks of the sea crash upon the island. (read all at source)

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At times people will see dwarfs, midgets, or very small people in their dreams. These images seem to represent, or allude to, the childlike creative powers in the unconscious. You can think of the dwarf as a "worker" in your unconscious. (read all at source)

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Normally, they're small problems you may be making into a big deal. Look within yourself to find the source of the negativity. Ants suggest restlessness ('feeling antsy'). They also indicate small annoyances and irritations. Alternately, they may represent feelings of insignificance. (read all at source)

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I see them in the spirit as insects, small crustaceans and so forth. I remember one time really suffering with a pinched sciatic nerve on my left side. The pain was unbearable, shooting from my hip and down my leg, sometimes even making my leg feel lame. (read all at source)

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Small vehicles represent the dreamer's physical body. Large vehicles symbolize the dreamer's choice of vehicles (such as an organization, company, church) for experiencing what physical life affords. (read all at source)

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One small step and suddenly you are falling, not quickly hitting the ground, but rather falling as if you are freefalling through the air. Falling dreams most frequently occur during the first stage of sleep and you may notice your arms or legs involuntarily jerk or twitch, which usually wakes you. (read all at source)

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To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands. (read all at source)

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Or start looking at the smallest symbols first, then the more significant ones (sometimes the smallest ones turn out to be the most significant!). Or start at the end and work your way back to the beginning. Follow your instinct and your creative imagination. (read all at source)

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(hiding) You might feel forced to stay in a small hot place(stove) to stay safe. You might feel like you are in jail, unable to move freely about. The fruit might be a symbol of sustenance or what you require to live. The fact that it has worms might mean that you feel this sustenance is decaying. (read all at source)

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Are you eating macaroni in your dreams? A small amount of macaroni represents small losses in life; seeing excess amounts of macaroni are a warning to slow down on your spending. (read all at source)

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To dream of tooth-picks, foretells that small anxieties, and spites will harass you unnecessarily if you give them your attention. If you use one, you will be a party to a friend's injury.
Find more dreams containing 'tooth-picks'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'tooth-picks'
topaz... (read all at source)

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Classroom: See Teacher and School: Small group ministry within the church; God's call of one chosen for learning and teaching; training; center of learning; five fold ministry. (Job 21: 22; Luke 8: 35; Psalm 143: 10; 18 :34; Acts 19: 9; Is. 28: 10; Matt. 21: 23; Mark 1: 21; Eph. 4: 11)... (read all at source)

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To see nails in your dreams, indicates much toil and small recompense.
To deal in nails, shows that you will engage in honorable work, even if it be lowly.
To see rusty or broken nails, indicates sickness and failure in business.
More on the meaning of "Nails" in my dream... (read all at source)

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Crop - Growth from self-love and nurturing; small crops mean neglecting one's self or emotions.
Cross - Balance; realization of spiritual identity.
Crowd - Many parts of self; differenting emotions. (read all at source)

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The very talented, professional psychics at PsychicAccess can help you to a happier road to travel in life. No problem is too big or small. Let the very best of the net become your personal advisors. Choose from telephone or live video/chat readings. (read all at source)

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A bed which fills the whole room means that the dreamer awards sexuality too much significance in his life. The reverse is true when the bed is too small or too narrow.
Bees signify pleasant and profitable engagements. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that someone or something is smaller than usual, represents feelings of insignificance, helplessness and unworthiness. Alternatively, you may be literally trying to "knock" this person down to size. (read all at source)

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