Seafood dream meaning

Eating seafood can represent:
Conquering or making the best out of an environment or situation that you're not used to
Enjoying someone or something that is from a different place than you
A change of scenery or a change of pace, or a desire for some variety in your life right now... (read all at source)

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To see or eat seafood in your dream, indicates recognition and a merging of your spirituality with your conscious being. You are acknowledging and fulfilling the needs of your unconscious. The dream may also be a pun on "seeing food" and thus the symbolism of "food" is also applicable. (read all at source)

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FDA Warns Women of Seafood Dangers
Pregnancy Week Twenty-Six - Pregnancy Calendar - Pregnancy Week by Week - Second Trimester
Treasure Island Indoor Water Park Wisconsin Dells picture-Bay of Dreams waterpark photo
Dream Warning - Your True Tales - May 2008 - Page 2
Dimension Slip? Remote Viewing? (read all at source)

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Seafood restaurant
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Fish) In a dream, a seafood restaurant represents adversi- ties, fights, evil, stress, depression, or relief from difficulties. (Also see Fishery). (read all at source)

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I am at a huge table with all my family, having the biggest feast (seafood). Everything is absolutely delicious and they keep bringing more and more food. It feels very satisfying but I dont feel uncomfortably full. I can keep on eating. There is also different kinds of wine, white and red. (read all at source)

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Mussels are a shellfish that can be found in the sea and on the menu of your local seafood restaurant. Having a dream of mussels is usually a very good omen! In a dream state, mussels are a symbol of strength, peace, fertility and profitable times ahead. (read all at source)

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see also: shark aquarium fishing religious symbol seafood
categories: Animals
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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iodine sometimes healing hurts; at risk of infection; eating kelp and seafood; something needs to be cleaned up. What can heal your wound? (read all at source)

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prize sap, puffer, pushover, quarter, rainbow trout, ray, red cent, red herring, redfin, redfish, roach, rocket torpedo, roe, roosterfish, salmon, salmon trout, sap, saphead, sardine, sawbuck, sawfish, schlemiel, scup, sea bass, sea horse, sea monster, sea pig, sea serpent, sea snake, seafood, seine,... (read all at source)

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