Portfolio dream meaning

Portfolio dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a portfolio, denotes that your employment will not be to your liking, and you will seek a change in your location.

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Dreaming of portfolios in general means that he dreamer is going to be able to have a certain level of new employment which makes them happy, but whose bosses will be somewhat frustrating and not easy to work with.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life... (read all at source)

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To dream of a portfolio, denotes that your employment will not be
to your liking, and you will seek a change in your location.
Portrait.[169]... (read all at source)

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www2.predictwallstreet.com... (read all at source)

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Growing plants, farming, or raising animals on a farm can represent a real-life activity where you invest time or resources for a long-term gain. For example, tending a farm (that you don't have in real life) could actually represent your real-life activity of managing your stock portfolio. (read all at source)

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