Nickname dream meaning

Hearing a nickname in your dream, represents your feelings and memories of the person who is referred to by that nickname. If the nickname is not familiar, then it may be a pun on something or a metaphor. (read all at source)

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We met both of our best friends there and he constantly touched my belly comforting me. He would cuddle me in public and call me cute nicknames. Then on the car ride home, we talked about making a commitment to be together. Then my dream stopped. (read all at source)

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nickname not being recognized; being treated as if you aren't important; someone named Nick; shortening your identity. How have you been putting yourself down or making light of your accomplishments? (read all at source)

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Calling anyone by a nickname--or vice versa--in a dream is a caution to stick to well-established paths for a while; the... Continue dream interpretation - Nickname"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Niece... (read all at source)

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If the scratch is over one's forehead in the dream, it means that he may die quickly. A scratch in a dream also represents a bad reputation, an acronym, or a nickname such as stingy, insolent, or apostate, etcetera. A scratch in a dream also means recanting one's statement. (Also see Scratching). (read all at source)

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She even acted like she knew me. I stood back and waited. Shortly, the little brindle and white puppy waddled to me. Dad cried when I handed the pup to him. Reincarnated bulldog.why not? By the way, Chauncey had a was Rosebud!... (read all at source)

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