Mummy dream meaning

mummy keeping your mother under wraps; protecting and preserving dead things. What will happen if your mother changes?
mural a large picture for all to see; many people doing the work; a wall of images. What picture or subject does your dream self want you to pay attention to? (read all at source)

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A person you know: Helps you accept their passing. One that walks and talks: Death is not the end. Nor is the end of something, the end of it either.
::... (read all at source)

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To see a mummy in your dream, suggests that you are feeling trapped in some situation.
Neighbor... (read all at source)

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The mummy has been wrapped and preserved to experience an existence ‘other than real life’ and signifies self-protective tendencies. See also Mommy under Homonyms.
Murder... (read all at source)

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a falling toe nail it fell a part of it and I was really carefully going up so after that it was that a part of my index that a part of the top had fallen and I had it several details changed of how and wich part was injured at a point i saw a part of my bone and meat was really old like a mummy... (read all at source)

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where we were and stumbled down the bridge,the bridge had no railing and i was worried about falling so i ran over the bridge as quickly as i could with ashley behind me and as soon as i stepped foot on the treehouse all these inanimite objects came to life,for example there had been a frozen mummy... (read all at source)

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After that me and my mummy was sleeping the snake came and he was in standing pose at bottamside of my mummy watching me and he was laughing.Then, A lizard came I ran out it and it went in the garbage in which my mummy was preparing a green vegetable. (read all at source)

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sleepwalking sleeptalking talking apparition ghost new age metaphysical spiritual altered consciousness vision precognitive esp help interpretation interpret dreams tooth house red white blue green yellow black pink gold husband lover sex making love friend boyfriend girlfriend zombies mummy mother... (read all at source)

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cuboid, diamond, dice, dig, drill, dust, elucubrate, examine, fibula, fish, flint, frogskin, funny bone, go over, granite, grind, hammer, heart of oak, hyoid bone, incus, iron, ivory, jawbone, kneecap, ligament, lucubrate, malleus, mandible, marble, maxilla, maxillary, metacarpal, metatarsal, mummy,... (read all at source)

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Looked like a mummy but we knew it was her. I kept yelling at my brother to bury the corpse and that I didn't want it in my bed any longer but he was sl attached to it that he took it in his room and out it in his laundry basket. I then bleached all the sheets where the corpse was laid. (read all at source)

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If you have a bandage, and the bandage is being removed in your dream, this indicates you may be faced with a lack of intuition in a situation that needs a quick decision. If you dream of a mummy in a bandage, this represents that you will soon enjoy life. (read all at source)

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To see a mummy in your dream, denotes you feeling of being trapped in a situation. You may also feel that you are not being heard. (read all at source)

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