Grandmother dream meaning

Notice the aspects of this dream. Are you dreaming of a grandmother who has passed on? If the dream is vivid and in color, chances are you're having an astral visit with her. Perhaps she wants to let you know she's fine or she has advice for you. (read all at source)

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Seeing a grandmother is also an omen connected to inheritances, connections between family members and connections with your origins (country, town, or village). If your grandmother is dead but you dream of her you need protection, affection and attention. (read all at source)

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True story: my mother & I visited my grandmother's grave one afternoon to find a living, breathing peacock standing there staring at us. When I found out that it symbolized "joy in the afterlife," you can imagine how special that was. How often does one find a peacock standing on a grave? (read all at source)

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Seeing your grandmother in your dream, represents nurturance, protection, and unconditional love. Consider the qualities and characteristics that exist in your own grandmother. (read all at source)

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Your grandmother symbolizes your mother and female side in a dream. For example, her dying in a dream asks you to let the negative influence of your mother die. (read all at source)

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The dream about your grandmother might be about you looking for a way out or looking for some comfort. Grandparents can represent comfort and caring. You need to think about the feeling you get when you think of your grandmother. (read all at source)

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I interpreted a man's dream where he dreamt of his grandmother (now deceased) in which she was telling him that he needed to go out and face his fears. In reality this same relative brought him to the Lord and was a good influence in his life. (read all at source)

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Your grandmother's rings represent a rather special promise, that is the lifelong commitment that her husband made to her. For your boyfriend to give you those particular rings would mean that you expected - and thought you had received - a commitment every bit as lasting. (read all at source)

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dead grandmother giving me money
kitten fleas
Black snake hissing and going in grave
Eating grapes
rich... (read all at source)

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Your personal grandfather, or any elder person may symbolize the Wise Old Man archetype, your inner spirit. Interpretation of grandparents in dream points to the message that provides needed insight or wisdom. A grandmother or elder female may represent the Great Mother [.]... (read all at source)

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At times a grandmother may appear like an angel, as she is to a young child. Her touch and love is a link with the ancient wisdom that grandmothers have inside them. It can reach through them and change your life. See Integrate... (read all at source)

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Grandmother: Also Grandfather: Righteous or unrighteous spiritual inheritance; past; wisdom. (Proverbs 13: 22; 2 Tim. 1: 5)
Groom: See also Marriage and Bride: Christ the Bridegroom; marriage; headship; God. (John 3: 29; Ez. 16: 8-14)... (read all at source)

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A symbol of knowledge and wisdom, as well as security and protection.
Dream Tarot Card: The Empress... (read all at source)

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When my grandmother passed away, i was filled with such deep loss. The third day after her death, i felt like I could not bear the sorrow and grief of her not being with me any more. I mean, I know she is 'with me' but i missed her smile and her hugs and her voice. You know what i mean. (read all at source)

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The Great Mother can appear as a real mother or grandmother, suggesting your adopted nurturing qualities. Offering reassurance or direction, Jung also thought that the Old Woman represented the ‘unattractive’ aspects of the feminine, appearing as a Witch or old Bag Lady. (read all at source)

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Last night I had a dream that I was on my way to my grandmothers house and while I was looking out the car window every single woman was pregnant. Once I got to my grandmothers house, I noticed that my girl family members were pregnant too. (read all at source)

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And then My step-grandmother's ridiculously overweight sister gets on. And we try over and over again but somehow the pilot can't get the plane off the ground because it weighs too much. (read all at source)

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I dreamed me and 4 others, my cousins, are going away to prison on a secret asignment, each time I forgot stuff to pack, so I kept going back into my grandmothers neighbours house, which was strange, to pack my stuff. (read all at source)

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Grandmothers can of course simply link to themselves and so if some important issue is involving them right now then you maybe thinking about them. But they can also be symbolic. They can link to the passage of time in some way. (read all at source)

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Grandfather/Grandmother - wisdom, your wise, mature self. Having to do with actual grandparent{s}
Grape - Grapes are nurture for the soul, and are fruit. Fruit often symbolizes new life, new developments. Also grapes are purple which may represent treausre, or your true self. (read all at source)

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Example dream : An elementary school dream took place as the dreamer was irritated by her grandmother who always treated her like a little kid.
Example dream : An elementary school dream took place as the dreamer was trying to teach some very basic ideas. (read all at source)

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To dream, as my grandmother sitting on the bench and click seeds - to hopelessness.
Dream Interpretation Birthday May June July August
To dream of old women sitting on the bench - a nostalgia for rural life. (read all at source)

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It's very common in fact for the house in your dream to be built of pieces of various homes you remember - the kitchen from your grandmother's house, the back yard from your home when you were 3. Again, your mind is putting together pieces to get a message to you. (read all at source)

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Grandfathers can often be very symbolic. The dream world has no real symbols for the passage of time. So grandfathers, grandmothers... Continue dream interpretation - Grandfather"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Grandparents... (read all at source)

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They offer us a rare opportunity to experience physical sensations that may be impossible or improbable in waking life such as; flying, enjoying sex with anyone you choose, talking with Shakespeare, or your great-great grandmother. (read all at source)

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Can represent your real-life grandmother
An authority or caretaker figure
Unconditional love and support, wisdom, intuition, or mature femininity, or anything you associate with a grandmother
A spiritual authority figure or wise elder in your life... (read all at source)

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My own grandmother died and I looked back at this nuclear explosion dream. It maybe noted that the explosion took place in the field behind where I live. In that exact same direction just over the hill is the hospital where my grandmother died just two weeks later. (read all at source)

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