God dream meaning

God dreams by DreamMean
If you dream of seeing God, you will be domineered over by a tyrannical woman masquerading under the cloak of Christianity. No good accrues from this dream.

If God speaks to you, beware that you do not fall into condemnation. Business of all sorts will take an unfavorable turn. It is the forerunner of the weakening of health and may mean early dissolution.

If you dream of worshiping God, you will have cause to repent of an error of your own making. Look well to observing the ten commandments after this dream.

To dream that God confers distinct favors upon you, you will become the favorite of a cautious and prominent person who will use his position to advance yours.

To dream that God sends his spirit upon you, great changes in your beliefs will take place. Views concerning dogmatic Christianity should broaden after this dream, or you may be severely chastised for some indiscreet action which has brought shame upon you. God speaks oftener to those who transgress than those who do not. It is the genius of spiritual law or economy to reinstate the prodigal child by signs and visions. Elijah, Jonah, David, and Paul were brought to the altar of repentence through the vigilant energy of the hidden forces within.

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God Almighty, Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universes. There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the Al-Seeing Lord. Seeing Him in a dream can be interpreted according to one's state of being. (read all at source)

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God, holiness dream symbol
God, holiness
Dreaming you are in the presence of God, or the ultimate force in the universe, can mean:... (read all at source)

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god, religious figure
Dreaming of a god can mean:
You are seeking spiritual guidance, comfort, or connection of some kind
A reminder to look within for your connection with Spirit (because the dream is showing the Spirit within you), rather than looking to religious things and people around you... (read all at source)

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God images in dreams are very diverse. Often, it is not God as a direct visual image that you encounter, but something that is known to contain a projection of God's power and presence (religious icons, a bible); or it is simply a sensation that some high-powered entity is present. (read all at source)

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If God speaks to you, beware that you do not fall into condemnation. Business of all sorts will take an unfavorable turn. It is the forerunner of the weakening of health and may mean early dissolution. (read all at source)

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To dream that God sends his spirit upon you, great changes in your beliefs will take place. Views concerning dogmatic Christianity should broaden after this dream, or you may be severely chastised for some indiscreet action which has brought shame upon you. (read all at source)

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God says in His Book (the Quran) what is translated: (And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse (fornication). Verily, it is a great sin and an evil way). (read all at source)

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In dreams God can signify your higher self-image and possible guidance from within, but this dream can also represent evil. This can be because of a fallen person in life who has been led astray, or is leading other people astray. (read all at source)

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Angel Of God Dressed in White Robes: Chaff Dream Meanings
The meaning of the dream is after the dream. (read all at source)

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In practice God could translate into many words - here is the full list - "thinking deeply","Faith", "shock", "illness", "need for faith", "hope", "a crisis", "a disaster", "love", "goodness", "reasons to be thankful", "good and evil". (Try to see how these words are relevant. (read all at source)

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Share Your experience on dreaming about God symbol.
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The dream symbol of cupid indicates a passionate but only temporary love. The naked god of love in the form of a child points to affair which are rather superficial. Also this may be a sign to take a risk and start new relation.
Traditional Meanings:
European (Judeo-Christian)... (read all at source)

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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Regardless of whether we believe in a God or not, all of us have been exposed to the idea of a supreme and omnipresent being. The dilemma over the existence of God is probably the most common dilemma of them all. (read all at source)

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God :
This is a mighty symbol that tells you about your inner view on the world, and how you act. If God had something to say you must listen carefully, and try to remember what was said for the future. If someone plays God, you idolize a person that is not as good as you think. (read all at source)

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To see God in your dream signifies your spirituality and expression of your feelings about divinity. God also symbolizes an untouchable, unreachable, and unattainable notion of perfection. Thus such a dream may highlight your struggles and attempts with trying to be perfect. (read all at source)

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God of Longevity: Known as Sau, this Chinese god is one of the most popular. This is because he is a symbol of the easy life, smooth living, and victory over the strife that life can sometimes cause. (read all at source)

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God-to dream of God can symbolize a need for instruction on living or an earthly commission, Jer. 1:4-10, Gen. 20:3
Gold-symbolic of wisdom and high quality ministerial work, 1Cor. 3:12
Golden bowl-symbolic of the prayers of the saints, Rev. 5:8... (read all at source)

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God a BIG dream; connecting to the Source; feeling looked after and protected. What did God communicate to you?
goggle can't believe what you have just seen; look carefully; protect your eyes. What are you afraid of seeing? (read all at source)

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Why God uses dreams to appear to you
Throughout history from Genesis to Revelation, the Lord has always been appearing unto men, even as He's doing in this twenty-first century. (read all at source)

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Pay attention to details and meanings about yourself and your spiritual progress in life. If God is there but not the focus: the dream content has an important message for you. If God is the focus: try to remember your feelings during that part of the dream for clues to the meaning. (read all at source)

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God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld you from sinning against me. Therefore I didn't allow you to touch her.
See also: Uniform , Garter , Jaws , Implements , Quicksand
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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God came to Laban, the Syrian, by night, in a dream, and said unto him, take heed that thou speak not to Jacob, either good or bad.
—Gen. xxxi., 24.
Dagger... (read all at source)

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God Created
Feeling guilt in a dream is a direct experience, but what you are feeling guilty about may well be in symbols and need clarifying. See: emotions and mood. (read all at source)

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Intense enjoyment. Divine masculine. Creation. High ambitions.
Gold... (read all at source)

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God (1) A god or goddess figure may represent a source of meaning/wisdom/energy. Look for that source within yourself, where it is usually covered by layers of emotion. (read all at source)

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God is raising up Teachers who are a standard of their own.
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G... (read all at source)

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God, the highest subjective source of intelligence, may in a dream leave impressions or presentiments on the mind of man, the highest objective source of intelligence. (read all at source)

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"God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him,
`Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman thou hast taken;
for she is a man's wife.''--Gen. xx., 3rd.
Baby. (read all at source)

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The god of shepherds and hunters of ancient Greece, the inventor of the flute. Joy and nature. Gaining a broader outlook on life. Wash gold, seek the true nature of things. Prepare food, to nurture the idea of.
Pan from mythology - a reflection of nature, joy, light-heartedness. (read all at source)

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"But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, "Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man's wife."
Genesis 28:12... (read all at source)

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Mirror - God's Word; a person's heart; vanity
Money - gain or loss of favor; power; provision; wealth; spiritual riches; authority; strength of man; covetousness; greed
Check - favor... (read all at source)

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the light of God. A sunrise might indicate new beginnings
whereas a sunset suggests closure and completion. Jung
thought of it as a symbol for divinity and the unity of self as in... (read all at source)

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Game Garage Garbage Garden Gas Pumps Genitals Ghosts Gift Girl Glass Glass Gloves Goat God Gold Graduation Grass Grave/ Graveyard Guides/ Guidance Guns Gypsy ... (read all at source)

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accident, act of God, adversity, apoplexy, blow, breakdown, breaking up, breakup, calamity, casualty, cataclysm, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, climax, collapse, collision, contretemps, convulsion, crack-up, crash, debacle, diastrophism, distress, fatal accident, fatality, fit, grief, ill hap,... (read all at source)

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SwanIn mythology, God was often represented by a swan, so it can represent the soul or eternity. It may also be a sign of good fortune to come. But, a negative aspect of dreaming about swans may be that you are suffering from deep emotional hurt. (read all at source)

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a cleansing and strengthening of the outer self, which should not be confused with the inner strengthening that comes from God Cayce (900-110). Bear that which has two sides: one destructive and the other playful, caressing and loving Cayce (294-87). Bed 1. (read all at source)

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God rested on and sanctified the seventh day (Sabbath) Anyone who dares to kill Cain 'will suffer vengeance seven times over' (Genesis 4:15) Lamech in his "Song of the Sword" claims that 'if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold',... (read all at source)

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It was widely believed that this symbol resulted from the Greek acronym for \"Jesus Christ, Son of God. (read all at source)

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Angels are often described as messengers from God. What area of your life do you feel needs divine intervention? Do the angels in your dream offer reassurance? Do you feel that support has arrived and that your prayers have been answered? (read all at source)

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The things we consider vitally important in our waking physical lives are not nearly as important as the TRUE reason we are here, which is to overcome our shortcomings so that we may get closer to our Source/God/Higher Power. (read all at source)

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Angels: Since earliest times, angels have been known as messengers from God. In a psychological sense, this may be a message from parts of yourself which could lead to greater fulfillment and happiness. Its wings suggest flight and transcendence. (read all at source)

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**See the Meaning In Action: "God Is Dead"
To see or carry a briefcase in your dream, represents your level or preparedness in some situation or circumstance. It also refers to your concerns and worries about work and travel.
Bright... (read all at source)

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For a preacher, this dream is undeniable proof that he is over-zealous, and should forebear worshiping God by tongue-lashing his neighbor. (read all at source)

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In Man and His Symbols, he writes, "perhaps the commonest dream symbol of transcendence is the snake, as represented by the therapeutic symbol of the Roman god of medicine Aeseulapius, which has survived to modern times as a sign of the medical profession. (read all at source)

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For a farmer to dream of showing his devotion to God, or to his family, interpret plenteous crops and peaceful neighbors. To business people, this is a warning that nothing is to be gained by deceit.
For a young woman to dream of being devout, implies her chastity and an adoring husband.
Devil... (read all at source)

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The sun was worshipped as a god in many cultures. It is the giant ball of flame that lights up our days. What does it mean when you dream about the sun?
The sun is a symbol of power, of energy, of strength. So look at how the sun figures in your dream. (read all at source)

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Offer your dream time for God's purposes.
Practice using both sides of your brain—analytic and organizational as well as creative and intuitive. It makes dream interpretation easier. Balanced, whole brain use is optimal. (read all at source)

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As a dream symbol, the eagle embodies an archaic image of god, of lofty and high-soaring thoughts, but also of devouring spiritual passion.
The image of an eagle which is unable to fly well signifies limitation of spiritual freedom or neglect of spiritual interests.
Earthquake... (read all at source)

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Anything circular can symbolize ideals / God and in this case the divine nature of your angels. Since they are depicted in your dream as extra terrestrials, it means that you have not come to terms with the fact that you have angels looking after you or that you are equal to them. (read all at source)

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* Relax and stay focused. Try not to freak out and say "Oh My God I Am Dreaming" because you will wake up
* Once relaxed rub your hands together. This will help keeping you in your dream state by engaging the conscious brain and stopping it from switching over to the waking state of mind. (read all at source)

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To see or use a trident in your dream symbolizes the god of the sea. Consider what water and the ocean signifies. Also, this is indicative of your uniqueness, vivacity and keenness. (read all at source)

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Ancient symbol for the axis or world mountain; a holy mountain or high place of God. To the ancient Egyptians it represented a stairway to heaven for the deceased, as well as the sun's rays descending to earth. It was, thus, a threshold symbol. (read all at source)

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A dream of this Greek god is a warning to be careful in money matters.... Continue dream interpretation - Bacchus"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Bachelor... (read all at source)

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Another popular Greek myth is about Aesclepius, Greek god of healing and medicine, who inspired rituals where snakes were used. Today, the rod of Asclepius is what we know as the Caduceus, symbol for modern medicine. In our dreams, it represents the opportunity for healing. (read all at source)

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To dream of the transfiguration, foretells that your faith in man's own nearness to God will raise you above trifling opinions, and elevate you to a worthy position, in which capacity you will be able to promote the well being of the ignorant and persecuted. (read all at source)

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ZERO - Zero denotes timelessness, super-conscious, eternity, and absolute freedom. It also symbolizes God.
ONE - One stands for individuality, individuality solitude, the ego, leadership, originality, beginnings, and a winner. It also stands for a higher spiritual force. (read all at source)

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To see or use a trident in your dream, symbolizes the God of the Sea. Because of the relation to the sea, you may want to consider the symbolism of water and the ocean. Alternatively, it is also indicative of your creative energies and sensitivity. (read all at source)

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Religious fables mean you have, or will have, a deep devotional feeling toward God. To dream you are living a fable may mean that you are pretending too much and you should face the truth, or it may mean you have an inner wish to escape a situation you find uncomfortable in your daily life. (read all at source)

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One of the interestig things I observe from scripture is that God seems to speak to just about everybody in dreams... not just his worshipers, Pharoh, Nebcunzzer, nebukadnezar, the enemy soldiers oposing giddeon.
Sure, just drop me a line. (My list is stirctly from scripture)... (read all at source)

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The Crow or Raven can be associated with the ‘one-eyed’ god Odin, making sight or perspective a subject of exploration. Often there is a need to sacrifice the physical for something more spiritual. See also Birds and Trickster. ... (read all at source)

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If you dream of being baptised, you have let go of your old negative self and the new you will likely be successful. If you are a religious person, this dream may represent your renewed faith in God and that you are coming closer to spiritual fulfillment. (read all at source)

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If you are a religious or spiritual person, flying a plane in a dream can symbolize a desire to be closer to Heaven or closer to God. (read all at source)

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A lamb may stand for gentleness. It can also suggest vulnerability, as in 'a lamb to the slaughter.' Or it may be a spiritual symbol, as in 'sacrificial lamb' and 'lamb of God.' However, a dream of a lamb may simply indicate your love of animals. On another note, is this animal your totem?
lamp... (read all at source)

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