Dun dream meaning

Dun dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you receive a dun, warns you to look after your affairs and correct all tendency towards neglect of business and love.

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discontinue, discontinuity, discover, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, dissimilation, distort, distortion, ditch, docket, dompt, donga, doorstop, dot, double-check, dovetail, down, draft, drag, drag sail, draw, draw rein, drift anchor, drift sail, drive back, drogue, due bill, dun, earmark,... (read all at source)

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If the horse was dun it means love. A brown horse symbolizes thinking. If the horse is gray-brown you must concentrate more on either your work or your love life. Many horses mean that things will go well. If you combed a horse you will be lucky in speculation. (read all at source)

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If you are totaling up a bill, or a debt, that someone owes you, it is an omen that you will have to dun someone to receive your money or your property back. If you are calculating your monthly bills, or debts, it is an omen that you will soon have harassing business worries. (read all at source)

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The baby's name must have some significance or you wouldn't have bothered to dream about it. You seem unsure of the spelling, as if you aren't quite sure what you heard. "Donna," of course, means "lady," but for some reason I'm thinking of "donner" (pronounced dun-ay), which is French for "to give". (read all at source)

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