Corsage dream meaning

To see or wear a corsage in your dream indicates that you possess a certain quality or attribute but have not yet been able to reveal it. You need to concentrate on developing this quality or skill. The corsage may also represent respect and admiration. (read all at source)

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To see or wear a corsage in your dream, suggests that an aspect of yourself is looking to be acknowledged and recognized. Alternatively, it is a symbol of honor.
Corset... (read all at source)

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cadency mark, canon, canton, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, chrestomathy, circle, circlet, circuit, circumference, circus, civic crown, closed circle, coat of arms, cockatrice, coil, collectanea, collected works, collection, compilation, complete works, corona, coronal, coronet, corsage, crescent,... (read all at source)

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disappointment in love and many rivals will vex her.
If it is white and full she is soon to be possessed of fortune.
If her lover is slyly observing it through her sheer corsage,
she is about to come under the soft persuasive influence
of a too ardent wooer. (read all at source)

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To see it soiled or shrunken, she will have a great disappointment in love and many rivals will vex her. If it is white and full she is soon to be possessed of fortune. If her lover is slyly observing it through her sheer corsage,... (read all at source)

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