China dream meaning

China dreams by DreamMean
For a woman to dream of painting or arranging her china, foretells she will have a pleasant home and be a thrifty and economical matron.

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The interpretation of this dream depends on its details. If you were happy in the dream, or if you were shopping and lots of business and selling was going on, it is a good omen of abundance and prosperity. (read all at source)

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In general:
China symbolizes the mysterious, mystical and irrational, but also wisdom.
- When one sees in a dream land, can often provide important insights into the personality to announce in the area of �??�??individual and collective unconscious. (read all at source)

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China Store
Dream Dictionary
For a china merchant to dream that his store looks empty, foretells he will have reverses in his business, and withal a gloomy period will follow. (read all at source)

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We identify some countries with ideas and concepts. If you were thinking about the need for freedom then you might dream about America. China is now associated with terms such as "growing economic power". (read all at source)

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China-symbolic of Chinese people or Eastern religious beliefs (a call to prayer)
Chisel-symbolic of something man-made or permanently etched into a person’s heart, Isa. 44:13, Jer. 17:1
Chocolate-to dream of chocolate may symbolize an affinity for or desire to eat sweets, Isa. 29:8... (read all at source)

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China or china a country, or a plate; something may feel foreign or mysterious to you; something beautiful, delicate and precious. What is on your plate right now? (read all at source)

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China Store: For a china merchant to dream that his store looks empty,foretells he will have reverses in his business, and withala gloomy period will follow.
- See Crockery. (read all at source)

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China Store For a china merchant to dream that his store looks empty, foretells he will have reverses in his business, and withal a gloomy period will follow. See
Crockery. (read all at source)

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In China, fox animal symbolism revolved around the afterlife. Lore has it that a fox sighting was thought to be a signal from the spirits of the deceased. (read all at source)

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In China a fish served whole is a symbol of prosperity.
The fish, particularly the salmon is associated with knowledge and intelligence. By eating the salmon it is believed you gain wisdom and knowledge. Dreaming of your mother could mean your consicience is bothering you about something. (read all at source)

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Asian See China; India; Japan. More
Archer It is all about the person who has the bow and what it is used for. It could be used for competition archery; it could be for hunting; it could be for killing someone; it […] More... (read all at source)

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Peaches: In China, peaches are associated with the god of long life, Shou Hsing. Eating a peach in a dream is therefore seen as a forecasting of pleasure and good fortune. (read all at source)

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axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle-tree, baluster, balustrade, banister, bar, barbican, bare pole, base, beam, beanpole, belfry, bell tower, billet, bitter end, black and white, board, boarding, bottom dollar, boundary, bowl, brow, bunt, butt, butt end, campanile, cap, caryatid, China,... (read all at source)

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To dream that you have broken something, like china or even a seat, indicates that adjustments are required. It is important to rest in life. Maybe you have been taking on too much. Make sure you advance yourself at work. (read all at source)

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It was sunny outside and we were drinking and having a pleasant conversation about her recent trip to China. From out of nowhere, a small, fuzzy dog came walking into the backyard and up onto the porch. Without hesitating, my sister leaned down absently-mindedly and began to pet the dog. (read all at source)

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The apple blossom symbolizes beauty and peace, especially in China. If you dream of an apple tree that is covered with apple blossoms, it can be a sign that you are feeling at peace, or that you are under a great deal of stress and have a need for more peace and serenity in your life. (read all at source)

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In Asian cultures it's good sign, signifying fertility and wealth in Japan, or good luck in China. It may refer to a person who has recently treated you badly or who is untrustworthy.
Relatives Family issues or feelings. One relative can [.]... (read all at source)

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In either case, don't kill the 'dragon'; if necessary tame it. (In China, 'chi' is good, life-giving energy and the channels it runs along are called 'dragon-lines', which are said to follow underground water and underground magnetic fields). (read all at source)

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For more clues to meaning, pay attention to the characteristics of the decorations. For example, color (representing a certain holiday or team), texture (lace representing femininity or a wedding), and type (china representing a formal occasion, paper plates representing a casual one). (read all at source)

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From the ancient Greeks to the Romans, the Indo-europeans to the Celts of Gaul, England, Wales, Ireland, Spain, Saxony and Italy, the empires of China, Arabia, and the Northern Norse tribes the triune God and Goddess abound. The deity comes in the form of a trinity. (read all at source)

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Queue. A benefit from family advice or generosity is forecast in a dream of waiting in a queue or observing one; to dream of seeing a Chinaman wearing an old fashioned queue is a sign of approaching good luck. (read all at source)

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Think about where you or another person is evidencing those qualities in a particular situation in your life. Perhaps you feel out of place like a 'bull in a china shop.' Someone might be bullying you, or you may be exerting inappropriate power over another person. (read all at source)

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A mold maker practicing his trade, buying and selling what he casts in a dream represents someone who is well acquainted with his profession, and who knows how to promote his services. A molder in a dream is also interpreted as a person who encourages people to travel even as far as China to... (read all at source)

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China believed that it has predictive power. We alchemists turtle symbolizes massa confusa. The Indians of America Cosmic Tree growing from the back of a turtle. (read all at source)

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