Childbed dream meaning

Childbed dreams by DreamMean
To dream of giving child birth, denotes fortunate circumstances and safe delivery of a handsome child.

For an unmarried woman to dream of being in childbed, denotes unhappy changes from honor to evil and low estates.

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broadside, broil, brown, brush, brute matter, building block, bump, burn, burning, burning ghat, burning pain, burst, bust, calenture, call forth, call up, campfire, can, candle, cannon, cannonade, cashier, cast, cast at, catapult, chafe, charge, charring, cheerful fire, chemical element, childbed... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Childbed, Death
Visitors who dreamed about birth:
5 comments (leave your comment)
jane @ 2010-03-30 09:59:18
I dreamt that my 4 month old granddaughter was in labour and giving birth to her own brother! What does this mean? (read all at source)

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