Chased dream meaning

Chased-to dream of being chased is symbolic of being pursued by a spiritual or physical enemy, Deut. 1:44. If you are being chased by authority figures like police officers, school principals, or other adults, it may symbolize a problem with submitting yourself to authority... (read all at source)

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Being chased in a dream is a very common theme. In general, it reflects a waking-life need to get away from something. The dreamer can be fleeing responsibility, guilt, intimacy - pretty much anything. (read all at source)

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Chased by a scent hound means temptation - In the dream to be chased (pursued or tracked) by any dog of scent hound breeds (bloodhound, foxhound, beagle and more) foretells that the dreamer could succumb to a temptation that attracts the downfall of himself;... (read all at source)

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It’s wonderful being chased if you are looking forward to being caught! But in a dream this is usually not the case. More often than not, the dreamer is running from something they do not wish to face. (read all at source)

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care; pursues one - to an unexpected inheritance; see far in the field - a good sign; If you dream that you are being chased by a cow - so you will have an enemy. If you dream you can get away from it - so that the enemy will have dire. You get rich noticeable if you dream that you milk a cow. (read all at source)

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Many people have unpleasant dreams of being chased and/or stalked. If the dreamer has these issues in her daily life, then the fear experienced during the day may be entering her dream state. However, most people that have a dream about being stalked are not stalked in reality. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are being chased indicates that you are steering clear of a circumstance that you don't feel is able to be overcome. This is generally a metaphor for a kind of insecurity. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. (read all at source)

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If you are being chased, maybe you are running away from or trying to escape those things that are frightening and unpleasant (possibly your own habits and negative behaviors). (read all at source)

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Joel has recently purchased me, and he is driving me, largely because he feels I will help him gain respect from other people. I am quite a large car, and have a lot of power. But even with all this energy I do not make my own decisions. (read all at source)

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being captured, chased or oppressed), this would indicate that you are captive to desires and works of the flesh that are not of the Lord. It could also indicate an oppression in your life that is controlling you. (read all at source)

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You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits. To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur, indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful. Alternatively, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old issues that are still coming back to haunt you. (read all at source)

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Dream Symbols: being chased by killers, cars. I couldn't run, my car wouldn't start, gun can't fire."
Dream Symbols: son, surgery, blood, cutting, beating up nurse. (read all at source)

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He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found. Yes, he shall be chased away like a vision of the night.
See also: Earthquake , January , Dandelion , Tambourine , M. C. Escher
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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Because the abominable snowman is associated with a cold environment, a dream that you are being chased or attacked by an abominable snowman can mean that your numbness and inability to face your emotions is causing problems for you. (read all at source)

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Hounds. To dream of being chased by bloodhounds suggests you should use more restraint regarding your indulgence in sensual pleasures. (read all at source)

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The front door of a house represents your vagina - the front door to the body by which someone can exit. The hallway, being just behind the front door, represents the womb. For example, being chased down a hallway by a woman with a scissors indicates your mother considered abortion while... (read all at source)

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Chasing- Chasing dreams often reveal enemies that are at work, coming against your life and purpose or they may indicate the passionate pursuit of God in your life, and you towards him. * Are you being chased and by whom? What emotions do you feel? Are you afraid? (read all at source)

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To dream you see a raccoon in your dream shows that people are presenting false faces to you in your everyday life. To be chased by a raccoon shows that a person you thought a friend has turned on you and now works behind your back for your downfall. (read all at source)

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Chased by dog dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)

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Chased by Animals
This kind of dream is common among children. Often, it reflects a deeply held fear of the animal doing the chasing. However, it may reveal an anxiety about something completely separated from the animal kingdom. (read all at source)

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being chased dream symbol
being chased
If you dream someone is chasing you, consider the context. (read all at source)

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Being Chased in Dreams
I am walking down my street and everything is fine, but when I look behind me, there are these 2 creatures or spirits chasing me. (I have no clue what they were.) So naturally I start to run real fast to try to get away. However when I look behind me again they are catching up. (read all at source)

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Being Chased is an extremely common dream indicating that the dreamer is running away from, or being chased by, things or events that result in highly emotive feelings. Circumstances that result in fear, anger, envy, jealousy and anxiety. (read all at source)

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Dreams of Being Chased
Dreams of Being Lost
Dreams of Falling
Dreams of Flying
Dreams of Losing or Finding Something
Dreams of Public Nudity
Dreams of Teeth or Hair Falling Out
Dreams of Testing or Being Back at School
Dreams of the Phone Not Working
Dreams of Transportation
Dreams of Travel... (read all at source)

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Chased by a monster: many dream oracles also interpret that if you are running away from a monster then this generally means that a new ending is on the horizon. To be chased by an alien shows that sorrow a misfortune is likely to take hold in your immediate future. (read all at source)

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Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary
One of the most frequent types of recurrent nightmare or anxiety dream, being chased sometimes can be traced back to waking situations in which you felt caught or vulnerable, acted passively, or in which you gave in. (read all at source)

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chased: What we avoid chases us down, e.g., emotional pain, guilt, responsibility, love, or failure will pursue us until we deal with them. (read all at source)

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Being chased in a dream means you are avoiding facing a threatening situation in real life. If you dream that you are chasing someone, it means you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task in real life. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others. (read all at source)

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If you chased it or ran from it, be prepared for a disappointment. If you killed it, you can expect a... Continue dream interpretation - Boar"continue dream interpretation
Boarding House
Dream interpretation - Boarding House... (read all at source)

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If you got chased does this usually indicate good health. The same are also the case if you chased someone. To be chased can also mean that you flee from something within yourself that you do not want to see. If you were afraid, look at the word pursuit. (read all at source)

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A dream where you are being chased suggests that there is something or a situation in your life that you are avoiding. It implies that someone wants something or a ..Read more →
CHASM ... (read all at source)

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To see hares chased by dogs, denotes trouble and contentions among your friends, and you will concern yourself to bring about friendly relations.
If you dream that you shoot a hare, you will be forced to use violent measures to maintain your rightful possessions. (read all at source)

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Why Am I Being Chased?
Remembering dreams can be a bit hard but being chased has its own unique way of staying with us for a very long time due to its nature. Chase dreams are horrible feeling but remember that this particular dream is happening for a reason and you should not ignore it. (read all at source)

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To dream of being chased by bees forewarns that everything will fall into crisis.
To see a beetle in your dream indicates that some negative influences may be at work in your waking life. You may also feel that your values and beliefs are being compromised. (read all at source)

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Attack or Being Chased
As frightening as it seems, the chase dream is a common dream theme for the 20 something crowd entering the work force. When we are young, we are uncertain about the ‘code of conduct’ or the behaviors that are required of us. (read all at source)

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- Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
- Church basement dream dictionary
- Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
- Dream interpretation - difficult climb
- Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
- Dream analysis about dangling from church spire... (read all at source)

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division, divvy up, dock, docked, docket, doctor, doctor up, dole, dollop, dolor, donga, dot, downgrade, draw, drawback, dress, drive away, drive back, drub, drubbing, drumming, drunk, drunken, dump, earmark, edit, edit out, efform, elide, eliminate, elliptic, embittered, enchase, enchased, end,... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. (read all at source)

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Chase Dreaming of being chased symbolizes a real fear of being pursued by someone or something. It may also have to do with unresolved circumstances, situations, or emotions that you cannot seem to escape from or avoid. (read all at source)

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1 im being chased by the man that abused me my grandad. No matter how fast i run i cant seem to get anywhere. 2 im naked in public. 3 im driving a car, i cant drive and in my dream im aware i cant drive but im doing. 4 im swimming under water but im aware that i can still breath and 5 i can fly. (read all at source)

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He may have feelings of guilt or fear of being caught for something he has done. Ask him if there's something that's upsetting him and reassure him that you will support him whatever it is. (read all at source)

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being chased
If you dream someone is chasing you, consider the context. (read all at source)

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Being chased in a dream could also be about something more specific. If you have been having problems with someone close to you then you simply cannot avoid the problem (you feel chased if you cannot avoid situations which are difficult or awkward for you). (read all at source)

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"I am being chased by this snake. I run into the bathroom and hide in the bathtub. But the snake keeps coming. Just as it's about to strike I grab it behind the head. I'm squeezing it tight. (read all at source)

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Being Chased
Most people at some time in their lives have had a dream about being chased. We run in absolute terror as some character or some thing relentlessly pursues us. The aggressor might be an animal, a machine, another humanoid character, or a monster. (read all at source)

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Being Chased
Being chased in a dream is typically your subconscious mind telling you that you're avoiding a painful or frightening emotion, person or issue, according to Richard Nicoletti, J.D., a psychotherapist at the Jung Institute. (read all at source)

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Chase / being chased
1. Being at a disadvantage in a given situation.
2. Actually being pursued, probably in the sense of being "chased" by a potential lover, employer, or customer.
Astrological parallels: Aries, Gemini, Mercury. (read all at source)

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Being chased by a snake in your dream typically symbolizes a situation or a feeling in your waking life that is hard to deal with and you wish to avoid. (read all at source)

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Being chased is one of the most common dream symbols in all cultures. It means you are feeling threatened, so reflect on who is chasing you (they may also be symbolic) and why they are a possible threat in real life. (read all at source)

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A dream of being chased by an unknown person, creature or monster is a sign that you want to avoid acknowledging or accepting a part of yourself that you dislike.
If you dream of being chased by an animal, you are afraid of being overwhelmed by your own emotions and animal instincts. (read all at source)

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If you were being chased, mauled and/or it is a nightmare, the waking up in a cold sweat type; primarily it would be a spirit of fear and/or terror. I only know one true and lasting cure and that is to have that filthy spirit called "fear of terror" removed. (read all at source)

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