Chains dream meaning

Chains dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens are about to be thrown upon your shoulders; but if you succeed in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpleasant business or social engagement.

To see chains, brings calumny and treacherous designs of the envious.

Seeing others in chains, denotes bad fortunes for them.

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To dream of chains can mean the individual feels they are in bondage and trapped. However, such dreams can also provide insight as to what needs to occur for the dreamer to free themselves of being chained. Chains are often used as symbolism in the dreams of people suffering from addictions. (read all at source)

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To see chains in your dream, signifies your need to break free from a routine, old idea, or a relationship. If you are being chained, or you hear clanking chains, then some part of you is being forcefully controlled or held in check. (read all at source)

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Chains are a strong metaphor. The dreams we have are often triggered by extreme emotions. We do tend to exaggerate how bad things are. If someone is dominating you then the chains could represent that feeling of domination and subservience. (read all at source)

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To see chains, brings calumny and treacherous designs of the envious.
Seeing others in chains, denotes bad fortunes for them. (read all at source)

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Chains symbolize a tie or a bond. This can apply, in a positive sense, to marriage. The negative significance of chains is imprisonment. A shackle in a dream, and also the familiar fashionable gold chain round the ankle, can imply masochistic tendencies.
Chair... (read all at source)

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Chains :
If you were chained are this dream trying to tell you that your life has become a routine and that you should try to get change. (read all at source)

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Chains-to dream of being chained is symbolic of sin, addic�tion, or being bound by Satan, Eccl. 7:26
Chair-a large chair is symbolic of authority, Song. 3:9
Chameleon-symbolic of blending in or a person who likes frequent change... (read all at source)

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To dream of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens
are about to be thrown upon your shoulders; but if you succeed
in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpleasant
business or social engagement. (read all at source)

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Chains are a symbol of slavery and bondage, so if you dream that you are in chains, you may be feeling dominated or humiliated in real life. If you dream that someone else is in chains, you may want to dominate someone else, or you may be feeling frustrated because you believe that you lack power. (read all at source)

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Chains are usually used for binding one object (or person or animal) to another object. Chains are used in place of any other kind of rope or bonding material because it is tougher and can hold larger and stronger objects. (read all at source)

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chainsaw: What do you need to cut down?
chased: What we avoid chases us down, e.g., emotional pain, guilt, responsibility, love, or failure will pursue us until we deal with them. (read all at source)

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Tire, tire chains, tire iron, tire out, tire tool, Tired, tired iron, tired of(p), tiredly, Tiredness, Tireless, tirelessly, tirelessness, Tireling, Tiresias, Tiresome, tiresomely, tiresomeness, Tire-woman
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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My mother killed my sister with a Chainsaw then tried to come hug me. My brother, friends everyone was dying in my dreams. But this particular dream I died. Thats maybe why I remember it so well. I was hiking up a slight hill with my father and his friend. (read all at source)

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A dream with a chain or chains suggests that you like to be surrounded by people; you don't like to be alone. This also implies your need for communication with ..Read more →
CHAIR ... (read all at source)

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Iv had a dream a re-accuring dream im in a very big cement cylinder factory and there is a pokemon there a togapi but suddenly all the cement cylinders fall off there chains and muffsa's voice from the lion king yells WHAT THE HELL?!... (read all at source)

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If you dream that you tie someone up with a chain, you could be hoping to defeat an adversary, but if someone else chains you up, you could be feeling that other people are making life too hard for you.
Chair ... (read all at source)

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You might see a person bound by black chains. Perhaps you will see a person in a dark room. All of these are negative. When ministering personally I have often seen a person covered by a black, death shroud in the spirit. When I see this, then I know they are under demonic attack. (read all at source)

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Bound - to survive any kind of interference, to fall under the authority of another person / marriage to join, become a father. Tear the tie-up - free of interference. Chains see - loneliness (risk of attack on you), marriage. Being chained in a chain - is the use of a slow shutter speed. (read all at source)

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She/I wept loudly with the relief of feeling released from such a condition. Still sobbing she rejoiced in what women had achieved in the present time, where they could choose to work, where they could choose to stay in the or leave a relationship without the chains that had kept them bound in the... (read all at source)

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hope, its promises and its faith; which, rightly understood, will leave to the horrors of the Roman crucifixion the twin thieves, superstition and scepticism, while the angel of Goodwill will go free to solace the world with the fruit and fragrance of enduring power and promise. The steel chains... (read all at source)

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If one sees himself presiding over a band of satans, controlling them, commanding them, and if they obey him in the dream, it means that he will receive a seat of honor and he will be feared by his friend and foes. If one ties Satan with chains in a dream, it means that he will. (read all at source)

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In the dream he will tie me up with chains and rape me from the back and the front. I keep telling him to stop but every time I tell him stop he goes faster and I can feel the pain then he lets me go . And we have a class together its health class were learning about body parts. (read all at source)

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In Celtic art, gold and silver chains are often depicted around the swan's neck. I've read where this is symbolic of supernatural appearance of divine energy or the descent of gods to earth. (read all at source)

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