Car dream meaning

Race Car
To dream of a racecar is a representation of your hard working nature and your stubbornness. It may further represent how competitive you are and how strongly you feel the urge to win. The racecar may also be a symbol for ethnicity and how you view it. (read all at source)

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For that reason, a car very much represents your life in a dream. It represents your normal day to day activities, the way that your life is progressing. (read all at source)

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Car Dreams
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Riding in a car in a dream represents movement toward a goal or toward a new stage in life. (read all at source)

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Car, Automobile
Vehicles - Dream Dictionary
Often your body, or your way of moving through life approaching situations, although it can also represent someone else. It may be a message to shift gears. (read all at source)

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A dream where you are driving a car represents your motivation and direction in life, while the way you drive is symbolic of the way you navigate through your life. ..Read more →
CARDS ... (read all at source)

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Abandoned car-symbolic of an unused ministry or a for�saken lifestyle, Ezek. 34:8 NLT
Abandoned house-symbolic of barrenness and desolation, Job 15:28
Abandoned road-symbolic of following your own plans or stubbornness, Jer. 18:15... (read all at source)

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I was driving back home after a trip down south with my older sister and three other people in the back of the car (I can't remember who, now) and all of a sudden a huge snake came in through the driver's side window. (read all at source)

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If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it suggests that you are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. You are beginning to make your own decisions. (read all at source)

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To dream you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions.
Also See Journey.
Tray... (read all at source)

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Car as a symbol of the dreamer's status
The car in reality represents the financial status of the person. It is very important especially for men to own the car that is expensive and nice, because he can be proud of what he achieved while working very hard. (read all at source)

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A car boot serves as an exceedingly cruel punishment for the offender. Not only will you have to pay a fine for your violation, but you are unable to drive your own vehicle even though it is right in front of you. (read all at source)

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Car can be a pun on Karma and indicates that you are on a karmic path. The dream will show you what is holding you on this path and what you need to do to move past it. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Mobility; prestige; convenience
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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A car crash resulting from faulty parts can relate to your own health at the time of the dream.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)

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2) I park my car in a parking lot at work or at the mall. At the end of the day
when I come back to look for my car I can't find it for what feels like forever.
And when I do, it is three buildings over from where I thought it should be.
I assume they are somewhat related but I don't know. (read all at source)

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Dream "Baggage car"
Esoteric Dream Book
If your dream appeared baggage car or consisting of such cars are a part of, this dream can be interpreted as a hint: you need to give yourself more time. As long as you are preoccupied with other, even too. (read all at source)

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Your car being stolen can represent a feeling that someone or something is trying to compromise your integrity, take advantage of you, or take something that belongs to you—in a dishonest, sneaky, or manipulative way. (read all at source)

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Coal Car - on track; being directed by the Lord
Convertible - open heaven in your personal ministry or job
Fire Truck - rescue; putting out fires of destruction... (read all at source)

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Automobile (Car,Truck) - When dreaming of an automobile, this could represent one's life or a ministry. Consider the condition of the car, the type of car it is and the color. (read all at source)

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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. (read all at source)

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Car - You, your ego, your personality, your persona, your life and it's direction. Who is driving the car? Where are you sitting in the car? If you are in the driver's seat then you are in control of (or wish to take control) of your life. (read all at source)

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CAR or VEHICLE : This is supposed to symbolize you in your waking life, in your physical body. Your physical body is used by the soul pretty much like we use a's driven for awhile and we give it gas/nourishment & repairs as needed until it stops running, and then we go back home. (read all at source)

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car: Personal power, your motivating drives, ambition, personal mobility, or the power to direct your life. If someone else is driving, then they may be driving the direction of your life. A crashed car may indicate failure or self-destructive, or reckless, behavior if you are driving the car. (read all at source)

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The car crash can sometimes show a self desired failure - perhaps to avoid stress of responsibility and change. The crash also suggests fear of failure or loss of control. This might be failure in relationship or an argument - you may be on collision course with boss or partner for instance. (read all at source)

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Race Car
To see a race car in your dream, symbolizes your hard driving and headstrong attitudes. It may also reflect your competitive nature and the need to win. Alternatively, the symbol may be a pun for your issues with race and ethnicity. (read all at source)

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cable car, cable length, cable modem, cable railway, cable system, cable television, cable television service, cable tramway, Cabled, cablegram, Cablelaid, cable's length, Cablet, Cabling
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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Like the car, the motorcycle is a symbol of energy. In a dream, it refers less to potency but more to the problems of keeping the animal instincts in check.
Mountain... (read all at source)

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Buying a car is often a wish-fulfillment or problem-solving dream. These dreams reflect a desire to acquire something that is beyond your means in waking life. If you are in the market for a car, your dreams may actually be trying to help differentiate the best choice. (read all at source)

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Driving the car yourself could be good, speaking of being in control and going the right direction.
Different cars in your dream could represent different ministries, having your car stolen, taken over or stopped, speaks of your ministry being taken from you. This does not have a good connotation. (read all at source)

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To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness.
To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous, but if you ride without accident you will be successful. (read all at source)

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car accident - general warning about upcoming period of being accident-prone (not necessarily a car accident) Cayce (136-21, A-5). 4. speeding car - hurrying or forcing an issue Cayce (900-115, A-1). Avenue 1. journey of life one is on Cayce (195-42, A-1). 2. (read all at source)

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1. Do I feel emotionally at peace with myself? Probably not but use the dream as a prelude to a more peaceful you. Get yourself in balance. Relax, listen to music, and take up yoga, meditation or some therapeutic activity. And stop punishing yourself!... (read all at source)

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The fact that the car is red could be a symbol of passion or anger. The gun can also be a symbol of control or power and you and your friends maybe feeling powerless in your personal lives. (read all at source)

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Deamt I was in my car and I crashed and I saw myself dead
Hi Mary, in the body of text in the article look under 'Death' and you will find your dream meaning is covered.
Aprilkisses 2 years ago... (read all at source)

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A dented or smashed car fender suggests you are doing something you suspect might damage your social image; better give it... Continue dream interpretation - Fender"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Ferns... (read all at source)

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- Ex driving my car - dream interpretation
- Haunted by coworkers mother dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation - plane will not take off
- Dream symbols - choice of two different meals
- Dream analysis - cannot recognize members of church... (read all at source)

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I had a dream that a tornado was approaching and my friends and my mom were stock in the car next to a building of some kind. As the tornado was reforming getting bigger my friend rushed out of the car. My poor mother could not move so I had to rush in the car and grab her. (read all at source)

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Just as you use your car to navigate from one place to another, in real life some people dream of cars as a means to find their way through life. Some researchers believe that in your dreams, a car is representative of your current relationship. (read all at source)

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A dream of traveling in a car full of people usually means you will be making new friends and enjoying life more. If you dream you are alone in the car and the road is bumpy, you can look forward to some troubling times. If you are in an unknown area it is a warning to be careful of enemies. (read all at source)

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If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminentlyprosperous and happy.
To dream you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possiblymake an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. (read all at source)

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This was at least a month ago, but today another occurrence happened with a lady bug. while I was in my car at a stop sign, a ladybug came to the hood of my car. I saw it land, and as if we had made eye contact, it left feeling like it had given it's private message. (read all at source)

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So if it was a person it would come in a car and I would hear it come in the drive way. So I did not think it was anything of importants. So I calmly said "what do you wont me to do about it?" I went back to sleep because I hear nothing myself. (read all at source)

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Vehicles may reflect how much control you feel you have over your life - for instance is the car out of control, or is someone else driving you?
Water comes in many forms and can symbolize the subconscious mind. Calm pools of water reflect inner peace while a choppy ocean can suggest unease. (read all at source)

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Driving an old beat up car down a muddy road on a stormy night would be considered a pretty bad dream! However flying a Lear jet through blue skies with a song in your heart and the wind at your tail would be a rather good dream. (read all at source)

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Dream Symbols
Boot / Trunk: digestive system, uterus; Driving: striving towards goals / ideals; Driving with someone: carrying influence of person; Park: choice of roles or attitudes; Powerful car: Hands-on / Spiritual healer... (read all at source)

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Carrying someone in a dream. If the weight is heavy on the carrier, it means trouble or harm caused by one's neighbor. If a woman sees herself carrying a heavy load, such a load could represent her gluttonous husband. (read all at source)

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A car crash is a strong metaphor. Think of the more metaphoric uses of car crash such as "she is a total car crash" suggesting someone is a disaster zone. Look through the list below to help you make associations. (read all at source)

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Car top list
The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. (read all at source)

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Car Dreams: The great modern symbol of power, status, vitality, sexuality. Automobile dreams are very common and have many meanings in dream analysis. It depends on factors like who is driving? Is it a pleasant journey or a treacherous one? Is the car an old clunker or a luxurious new car? (read all at source)

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car often symbolizes our self-image, as in car advertising; moving through life in relationships and in jobs; using your life energy to get from place to place; put on the brakes, or step on the gas; check who is in the driver's seat; parked for too long; using your energy wisely;... (read all at source)

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- also see Dream Dictionary: Journey
A car represents an individual's journey. The destination can often be symbolic of some form of goal. If the dreamer is steering the vehicle it is inferred the individual is in control. (read all at source)

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The car is a classic symbol of motivation, and reflects whether or not you are feeling autonomous as you move forward in life. If you are driving and the vehicle is out of control, you may be questioning the choices you are making. (read all at source)

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1. Motion, movement away from one thing and towards another.
2. Speed, acceleration.
3. Freedom. (read all at source)

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Dreaming on a car crash shows the dreamer is afraid of loosing control of his life. He or she wants to make a real change in the course of life and don't know how to accomplish this change
Find more dreams containing 'crash'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'crash'
cigarette... (read all at source)

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The brakes in a car or other vehicle can represent:
Self-control or caution, or the ability to exercise it
Slowing or stopping within a certain area of your life... (read all at source)

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The use of the vehicle will give indications of the type of experience being related in the dream message. For instance, an Ambulance will indicate a need for healing in the giving and receiving of experience, a Police Car will signify the need for discipline in experiences. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are driving a car, symbolizes your ambition and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car ride is - that suggests how easy or hard your path will be to your goals. (read all at source)

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To see a parked car in your dream, suggests that you need to turn your efforts and energies elsewhere. You may be needlessly spending your energy in a fruitless endeavor. Alternatively, a parked car may symbolize your need to stop and enjoy life. (read all at source)

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Traveling is very common theme for our dreams. Traveling in a car is the most common form of this type of dream. Travelling in a vehicle generally can represent our journey through life, or a portion of it. If you find yourself in a garage or car park, two different inferences can be made. (read all at source)

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Car :
A car generally symbolizes you. If the car is only used for transport, and you do not notice anything special about it, it does not symbolize anything. If you are the driver the meaning is control and self-confidence. (read all at source)

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A car crash in a dream can be a literal warning - be careful in the coming weeks or months. However, vehicles in dreams often symbolize transitions in life. A car accident, particularly if you are driving in the dream, may indicate you feel the changes you are making in your life won't succeed. (read all at source)

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