Cape dream meaning

To see a cape in your dream, or dream that you are wearing a cape, suggests that you are trying to shield yourself from being emotionally hurt. It may also mean that you are trying to cover-up or hide something.
Captain... (read all at source)

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cape or cloak dream symbol
cape or cloak
Concealment or mystery, questionable intent. Protection. Could also represent the concept of all-encompassing or complete inclusion, since a cape covers most of the body. (read all at source)

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Cloaks (garment): To dream of a cloak, not a cape, pulled closely around you to keep out the weather, denotes that you will have protecting influences surrounding you for the next few days. (read all at source)

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cape or cloak
Concealment or mystery, questionable intent. Protection. Could also represent the concept of all-encompassing or complete inclusion, since a cape covers most of the body.
See also: coat... (read all at source)

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academic gown, afghan, beak, bill, blouse, breakwater, burnoose, capote, cardinal, cashmere, cassock, chersonese, chlamys, cloak, coral reef, delta, domino, duster, foreland, frock, head, headland, hook, Inverness cape, kimono, kirtle, manta, manteau, mantelet, mantelletta, mantellone, mantilla,... (read all at source)

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cape romantic wish about the past coming up for you; hiding behind your clothing; a mysterious stranger. Who is at the point of no return (sailing around the Cape)? (read all at source)

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Cape - Feelings of superiority {as in the cape of Superman}. May indicate that you are trying to shield yourself from being emotionally hurt. It may also mean that you are trying to cover-up or hide something. (read all at source)

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In the dream I booked and bought two airplane tickets one to Cape Town in South Africa and another to a town in Zimbabwe. I live in Zambia. Both tickets were for the same day of travel. Then I found myself at the airport waiting to check in for the plane to Zimbabwe. (read all at source)

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Worn in a dream by a person of either sex, a cape signifies that through the exercise of caution you will... Continue dream interpretation - Cape"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Captain... (read all at source)

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Also he was in a purple cape. Than my dream skipped to a other. It was Jesus but he was pale white with black hair. Black clothes, and standing stiff as a stick. He didn't say anything. Than to my right their stood Jesus Christ himself and he was color ful and beautiful n loving. (read all at source)

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The figure was wearing a hood that looked like it turned into a cape. I couldn't see eyes or anything like that I could just see it was a figure in front of me in the shape of a person. I wasn't afraid of the figure I was afraid before that the car was going to crash or end up in a ditch. (read all at source)

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