Bribery dream meaning

Bribery - You are easily influenced by others. Bribing someone may suggest you want your way and will do what it takes to have it. Or you may be too demanding, you expect too much for too little effort. (read all at source)

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Be careful not to get this honour through distrustful actions: such as bribery, or illegal acts. To see other people being flattered, means that you will acquire a position of honour when you don't deserve it at all. (read all at source)

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Being accused of extortion or bribery - you may have to prove his innocence in court. Blaming the dream of his friends all the deadly sins - in reality it threatens to quarrel with them, the cause of which will serve as your excessive suspiciousness. (read all at source)

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To feel a breeze in your dream, represents the movement of ideas and minor changes.
Bribery... (read all at source)

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Hand-a right hand symbolizes God’s strength or long life, Ps. 20:6, Prov. 3:16. A left hand symbolizes the riches and honor of wisdom, Prov. 3:16. If the person is evil a hand symbol�izes wicked scheming and bribery, Ps. 26:10. An open hand is symbolic of grace, Ps. 123:2... (read all at source)

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The elements encompassed herein include - richness after poverty, knowledge after ignorance, peace with one's adversaries, bribery, divulging one's secrets, ingratiating oneself to a superior for personal gains, or adulation. Incense in a dream also represents the heat of one's love or passion. (read all at source)

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commercial activity, commercial agency, commercial art, commercial artist, commercial at, commercial bank, commercial bribery, commercial credit, commercial credit company, commercial document, commercial enterprise, commercial finance company, commercial instrument, Commercial Internet eXchange,... (read all at source)

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