Blurry dream meaning

To have a dream featuring blurry images, indicates that there is something you are not confronting or refusing to see. It also represents secrets and confusion. Perhaps you think that someone is trying to keep something from you.
Blushing... (read all at source)

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To see a blurry picture in your dream, suggests that your memory of the depicted event, incident, or people, is fading. Perhaps you need to let go of the past and stop holding on to what was and concentrate on what is. (read all at source)

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Having a blurry dream indicates that there is something you are not confronting or refusing to see. It also represents secrets and confusion. Perhaps you think that someone is trying to keep something from you. (read all at source)

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(This part of the dream was a little blurry) I was pregnant, (but didn't look
visibly pregnant) and was having contractions. I went on with my day like the
pregnacy had no effect on me. I was not stressed, or worried. There were
some insignificant people standing inside and outside the building. (read all at source)

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There were hidden aspects to his work which made the boundaries of his job range blurry (just like the clear edge to the paint). 'Noticing' this blurriness was thus a symbol for something that he had noticed over a period of that first week. (read all at source)

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like i was seeing blurry double vision. all i seen was a spider walking towards me. really weird. i'm not scared of spiders, and very often i don't think of them. really random dream. it only lasted for about 10 seconds. (read all at source)

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The dream suddenly became a series of strange and blurry images. Big pieces of a strange domino-like puzzle were falling forming a circle. Two men in white clothing ( looked like high priests ) were coming to rescue me from a jail. And there was rain. (read all at source)

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