Bleachers dream meaning

To see or sit on bleachers in your dream, indicates that you are reflecting on your progress in achieving your goals. The appearance of bleachers can also serve to bring you back in time to the high school gym or track field and the feelings you experienced at the time. (read all at source)

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Bleachers - Reflecting on past experiences. The gathering of the different aspects of your psyche with the intent to view the whole of who you are.
Blender - A desire or need to blend certain aspects about yourself so to balance your life. (read all at source)

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If you dream of bleachers, you are having trouble making up your mind about a decision, or you are torn between two conflicting viewpoints or opinions.
Bleeding... (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you were dreaming that you were sitting on bleachers, which are known as tiered rows of seats and mostly used in United States especially in sport or any others events,... (read all at source)

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To see or sit on bleachers in your dream, indicates that you are reflecting on your progress in achieving your goals.... Continue dream interpretation - Bleachers"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Bleating... (read all at source)

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This weird darkness figure came in front of our bleachers and started picking out people to take with it. I was really scared and started moving back and behind the people i was sitting by because i was in the front row. The people i was sitting with werent freaking out and were fine with it. (read all at source)

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Guy @ 2012-09-27 15:18:46
I dreamt about a student i coach running for a ball and she ran into the bleachers and got a huge gash in her leg it was almost off of her body and we grabbed towels and tried to stop the bleeing. What does that mean?
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alveolar ridge, amass, Amati, anacrusis, apron, apron stage, arch over, articulate, assemble, associate, baccarat, backstage, band, band shell, bandstand, banker, bascule bridge, bass, bass passage, bass viol, bateau bridge, beacon, belvedere, bestraddle, bestride, Bifrost, blackjack, bleachers,... (read all at source)

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