Ancient dream meaning

Ancient Alchemy Symbols and
Universal Meanings
Ancient Alchemy Symbols and their oft times cryptic meanings began out of necessity as alchemists disguised their practices from the hugely powerful European church. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of something ancient means that you give matters in life the respect it desereves, and that you are able to look positively at your past and use what you have learned to progress in society. (read all at source)

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To dream of an ancient theme indicates that you feel secure in your position. You are practical and you take lessons from failures and experiences. (read all at source)

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Ancient Egypt and Dream Analysis
Native American Dream Analysis: Iroquois
The Chinese Culture and Dream Analysis
The History Of Dreams In Ancient Cultures... (read all at source)

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An ancient dream could be your minds way of saying "brutal times" as we associate ancient times with brutality. In this way the dream could link to a thought process like "I know no one is going to help me. This recession is difficult and we live in brutal times. (read all at source)

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Ancient Dream Meaning...
For a person to see themselves as a bird in their dream is a sign that you are trying to accomplish something which is proving difficult. (read all at source)

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Ancient Dream Meanings
One of the earliest written records of dreams and their meanings is a papyrus of c.1250 BC. It records some 200 dreams and their interpretation according to the falcon-headed god Horus. (read all at source)

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Dream interpretation - Ancients
A dream of anything old and reputable is generally a sign that you will have the respect of those with whom... Continue dream interpretation - Ancients"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Andirons... (read all at source)

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Ancient Persian Dream Book Taflisi
Dream means that you have amassed their wealth unjustly! See yourself in a dream madman - a sign that you are making a dishonest acts. Talking to a madman - like waking dream promises a meeting with a brutal loan shark who only dreams about making you bankrupt. (read all at source)

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When a symbol appears to you as being ‘ancient,’ it can have different meanings. First, being ‘old’ or ‘antique’ can suggest a part of you associated with the symbol that is outworn, or no longer true in terms of the person you are becoming. (read all at source)

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Ancient French dreambook:
Dream Interpretation about Water from Old French Dream Book... (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you dream of an ancient times it means that you know how to learn from the mistakes you did in the past. There is a knowledge of things you should not do anymore, as this will lead you to unhappiness and unhealthy life. (read all at source)

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Dreams of old things are typically associated with memories of fondness. They can also be about spiritual connections of past friends or relatives. Yet again, they can be cues to a need to reconnect with one's past to ascertain information applicable to the present. (read all at source)

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Ancient wisdom. Royalty. Dreaming of this insect can represent:
Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this... (read all at source)

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Ancient magic. Insight into the mysteries of life. Also, being content with what you are given, humbleness. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)

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Ancient peoples believed that seeing a meteor in the sky, or finding a part of a meteor suggested that a gift had been give by heaven. That is where the idea of wishing upon a falling star arose. (read all at source)

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Grounding in the past, things continue to go on in spite of one's fears of the present. A sense of having foundation. (read all at source)

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Ancient historical people beginning with the letter T
The Dream of Armageddon - H.G. Wells (1866-1946)
Tiruvalluvar on Reasoning: Why It's Difficult to Reason with Unreasonable People
How to Edit (or Submit to) an Anthology -- Publishing an Anthology from Laurel Snyder... (read all at source)

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Ancient truth. Financial gains. Meditation.
Satisfaction. Pleasure. Happiness is assured. (read all at source)

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Ancient symbol for the axis or world mountain; a holy mountain or high place of God. To the ancient Egyptians it represented a stairway to heaven for the deceased, as well as the sun's rays descending to earth. It was, thus, a threshold symbol. (read all at source)

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Ancient - Old parts of the psyche that inform the senses with truth instead of ego-centered desires and impulses. Your wise, mature self. (read all at source)

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In ancient Rome, it was decreed that any Roman citizen who had dreamt about the state had to announce it publicly in the marketplace. Dreams were believed to bring with them messages directly from Gods.
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)

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In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle symbolized rebirth, cleansing and protection from evil, so a dream about a scarab beetle, or about jewelry in the shape of a scarab, can represent the beginning of something new in your life as well as your cleansing yourself of negative influences. (read all at source)

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An ancient symbol for knowledge. Almost always a positive omen, particularly for those involved in scholarly, creative, or artistic pursuits.
Astrological parallels: Gemini, Sagittarius.
Lightning... (read all at source)

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In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is a Gorgon, represented as a woman with snake hair who can turn into stone whoever she looks at. According to the psycho-analytic perspective, it is a symbol for castration or repressed sexual energy. (read all at source)

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-The ancient Greeks used to treat some disorders at dream incubation centers called Asclepions. Here all diseases, or wounds whether of the body (soma) or the mind (psyche) were treated as spiritually affected. (read all at source)

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In the ancient world, people believed that birds resided “up there' with the gods, flying down to Earth to convey messages. What is the message that the bird in your dream is trying to convey? To help you find out, determine what kind of bird it is and what you associate it with. (read all at source)

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To see ancient ruins in your dream, signifies the absence of a friend. You will experience a note of sadness in your travels.
To see your property in ruins after a fire, signifies that some unforeseen good fortune will arise even though you may see no hope and feel like giving up.
Ruler... (read all at source)

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Ruins. Ancient ruins featured in your dream are a lucky omen of improving conditions, but a contemporary ruin is a forecast of unhappy news concerning a close friend or relative. (read all at source)

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Zephyr is an ancient name associated with the West Wind, wind gods and gentle breezes. In the Botticelli painting The Birth of Venus, she is blown gently ashore upon a shell by the Zephyr wind-gods. (read all at source)

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vineyard ancient plant; a hot country; a sphere of activity; spiritual work; sour grapes. How are you preparing for a celebration? (read all at source)

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Alligator - ancient; evil out of the past; danger, destruction; evil spirit; or slander & gossip (big mouth); aggression
Bat- witchcraft; unstable; flighty; fear... (read all at source)

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The Sphinx is an ancient Egyptian statue with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Throughout the ages it has been known as a bearer of power and mystery. (read all at source)

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To dream of this ancient character, denotes your hesitancy to accept this ancient story as authentic, and you may encounter opposition in business and social circles because of this doubt. (read all at source)

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To see goblets of ancient design, you will receive favors and benefits from strangers.
For a woman to give a man a glass goblet full of water, denotes illicit pleasures. (read all at source)

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This ancient and powerful symbol has general meaning for all and specific meaning for the dreamer. It represents the coming together of the world of man with that of God; the material with the spiritual. The purpose of the pyramids was to bury the dead and to assist them into reaching eternity. (read all at source)

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His wisdom, power and sense of fairness supports the structure of the ancient Greek and Roman universe. Jupiter, or Zeus, is a "good father" that provides the opportunity for growth, development, prosperity and health. (read all at source)

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The fish is also an ancient symbol of Christianity and Christian beliefs. Consider also the common phrases "like a cold fish", "fish out of water" or something that is "fishy" about a situation. It may also imply a slippery or elusive situation. (read all at source)

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Alligator: See Leviathan, Also Crocodile and Dinosaur: Bending; crooked; meandering; snake; monster; devious; distorted; ancient demon; large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man; principality; evil spirit; ancient demonic control; only the Lord has power over;... (read all at source)

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If you dreamed about the ancient science of Astrology, you are concerned about your future. You sense that important changes are coming in your life - and they are!... (read all at source)

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It is a happy blending of ancient and modern sciences, or, in other words, the synthesis of the ancient wisdom and the modern scientific knowledge. It is a positive resolve for creating a healthy human society - healthy in all respects physically, mentally and emotionally. (read all at source)

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Moon-the moon is an ancient symbol for a pagan deity, Deut. 4:19. A full moon is symbolic of the end of a journey, Prov. 7:20. A full moon can also symbolize a time for feast�ing, joy, and praise, Ps. 81:3. The moon may also symbolize something that is established, Jer. 31:35, Ps. 89:37... (read all at source)

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The Incubus, which appears in ancient literature, is one such example. In the book Incubus by Kiessling, It was described as half man half beast, attacking in the night. The word night "mare" has been derived from the word incubus. (read all at source)

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In many of the ancient societies, such as Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be unravelled by those with certain powers. (read all at source)

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The symbolism of numbers is, of course, very ancient and has been codified in many ages and cultures. In general, dream numbers convey ideas, sensations and lines of force in the personality. Here is a brief synthesis of the hidden meaning of numbers as they appear in our dreams. (read all at source)

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A scroll is associated with ancient writing and wisdom and in dreams indicates that you have a creative writing ability. As with any other spiritual ability you are being shown you have it to encourage you to develop and use it.
Sea... (read all at source)

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Some of the earliest recorded attempts to interpret dreams are from Ancient Babylon, Greece and Egypt. In those ancient societies, dreams were considered a sacred communication with the divine that could deliver omens of the future. (read all at source)

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People dream now, the same as they did in medieval and ancient times.
The following excerpt from "The Unknown,''[1] a recent book by Flammarion, the French astronomer, supplemented with a few of my own thoughts and collections, will answer the purposes intended for this book. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are studying the mystery of the ancient pyramids, interpret that you will develop a love for the mysteries of nature, and you will become learned and polished.
Pacify - Patch
Patent - Petticoat
Pewter - Poinard
Poison - Pyramid... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in a library, denotes that you will grow discontented with your environments and associations and seek companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs. (read all at source)

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To dream of ruins, signifies broken engagements to lovers, distressing conditions in business, destruction to crops, and failing health.
To dream of ancient ruins, foretells that you will travel extensively,... (read all at source)

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Accident. To dream of an accident indicate feelings of apprehension and worry. Ancient dream guides tell us that when we dream of accidents, we should be extra careful in our day to day lives for a while. (read all at source)

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Goblet: If you dream that you drink water from a silver goblet,you will meet unfavorable business results in the near future.
To see goblets of ancient design, you will receive favorsand benefits from strangers.
For a woman to give a man a glass goblet full of water,denotes illicit pleasures. (read all at source)

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Armour that is gold could indicate that this person is called to one of the fivefold ministry offices. It is common to see Roman or ancient style armor in vision to indicate the armor of God. Paul speaks of our armor here in:... (read all at source)

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To dream of reading cipher, indicates that you are interested in literary researches, and by constant study you will become well acquainted with the habits and lives of the ancients.
Circle... (read all at source)

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