Actor and actress dream meaning

Actor and actress dreams by DreamMean
To see in your dreams an actress, denotes that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor.

To see one in distress, you will gladly contribute your means and influence to raise a friend from misfortune and indebtedness.

If you think yourself one, you will have to work for subsistence, but your labors will be pleasantly attended.

If you dream of being in love with one, your inclination and talent will be allied with pleasure and opposed to downright toil.

To see a dead actor, or actress, your good luck will be overwhelmed in violent and insubordinate misery.

To see them wandering and penniless, foretells that your affairs will undergo a change from promise to threatenings of failure. To those enjoying domestic comforts, it is a warning of revolution and faithless vows.

For a young woman to dream that she is engaged to an actor, or about to marry one, foretells that her fancy will bring remorse after the glamor of pleasure has vanished.

If a man dreams that he is sporting with an actress, it foretells that private broils with his wife, or sweetheart, will make him more misery than enjoyment.

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Dream " A " Actor and Actress
The interpretation of the dream "Actor and Actress"
Dream Interpretation Miller... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation Actor and Actress
To see in your dreams an actress, could denote that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor.
To see one in distress, you will gladly contribute your means and influence to raise a friend from misfortune and indebtedness. (read all at source)

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Actor and Actress
To see in your dreams an actress, interpret that your present state will be one of unbroken pleasure and favor.
To see one in distress, you will gladly contribute your means and influence to raise a friend from misfortune and indebtedness. (read all at source)

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Acquaintance Actor and Actress Adam and Eve Aliens Analyst Angels Apprentice Archbishop Architect Artist Athlete Attorney Baby Bachelor Ballerina Boy Scout Brother Bus Driver Cashier Celebrities Cheerleader Children Clown Daughter Daughter-In-Law Demons Dentist Devil Doctor Dwarf Enemy Fairy Family... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Street, Oar, Comic Songs, Drinking, May, Teacups, Lobster, Laundry, Harem, Actor and Actress, Store, Purchases, Tapeworm, Jessamine, Cocoa, Aroma, Jewels, Exile, Nuptial, Basement, Traitor, Buckle, Chalice, Prize Fighter, Rosette, April, Shower, Emperor, July, Knapsack,... (read all at source)

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You are a supreme dramatist, playwright, actor and actress. You are the great Creator in your dreams. Considering this, have you ever wondered why that enormous creativity does not flow into your waking life? (read all at source)

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